Friday, May 17, 2024

The Power of Resilience: Jasmine Crockett and the Unyielding Voice of Black Women

As I scrolled through my social media feed, I stumbled upon a post that struck a chord within me. It depicted a moment where Jasmine Crockett, a Black woman, was under attack by an individual whose name shall remain unspoken here. This incident sparked a cascade of thoughts and emotions, leading me to reflect on the profound significance of resilience, determination, and the unwavering voice of Black women in today's society. I commented on the instagram post from the ShadeRoom and 4,991 likes and 52 comments later...I decided to expound upon my thoughts there! 

For context, the attack on Jasmine Crockett extended to commenting on her eyelashes, insinuating they were fake. This seemingly innocuous remark carries a deeper, more insidious meaning when viewed through the lens of racism and unacceptable behavior. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes that question the authenticity of Black beauty and contributes to the policing of Black women's appearances. By suggesting that Jasmine's eyelashes must be fake, the attacker not only undermined her individuality but also reinforced broader societal biases that devalue natural Black features.

How far have we truly advanced while adhering to rules that were never crafted with our inclusion in mind? Historically, from the outset, the game wasn't designed for us; we were intended to serve as support, not as active participants. Yet, despite these barriers, rooms undergo profound transformation when Black women assert themselves. Our voices bring forth a unique flavor, perspective, and skill set, enhancing every dialogue and environment we inhabit. In numerous settings, we thrive even when placed on a court where our participation was never intended. This resilience and determination, epitomized by Jasmine Crockett, exemplify a remarkable feat. She occupies the room and claims her seat at the table, undeterred by any opposition or reluctance.

Policing the tone of Black women is a tactic aimed at silencing us and rendering us invisible in majority spaces. It's a strategy designed to undermine our voices and diminish our presence, but we refuse to be silenced. Our voices matter, and we will continue to speak out loudly and unapologetically. Rooms grow and transform when Black women speak up. We bring a flavor, perspective, and skill unique to us, enriching every conversation and space we enter.

In many rooms, we are succeeding even when we're on the court of a game where we weren't meant to be players, and to me, that is miraculous and speaks volumes. Jasmine Crockett's resilience and determination serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration. She is a testament to the power of Black women's voices and their unwavering commitment to challenging the status quo.

As we navigate through a world that often seeks to diminish our worth and silence our voices, let us draw strength from the resilience of women like Jasmine Crockett. Let us continue to speak out, to assert our presence, and to demand the respect and recognition that we rightfully deserve. Together, we can create a future where the voices of Black women are not only heard but celebrated and revered. 

Thank you for reading my blog today! May God give you strength to show up fully as yourself today! 

To support this blog and the community I aspire to build across media platforms, please visit and support Heflin Hands by visiting:

***This title/quote photo was taken from Daily Motivations on instagram. Please email to request removal or replacement! 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Rising from the Ashes: A Journey of Rediscovery, Renewal, and Resilience

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

In the quietness of the last four years, amid the silence that enveloped my life, I found myself navigating through the wreckage of loss and grief. It's been a journey marked by heartache, by the letting go of what once was, and the slow, deliberate steps toward what could be. In that solitude, I learned the art of simply being, of allowing myself the grace to heal, to learn, and to grow.

As I stand on the precipice of this new chapter, I am filled with a sense of both trepidation and excitement. Trepidation, for the uncertainty that lies ahead, and excitement, for the potential that awaits. And it is with this mix of emotions that I extend my hand, once again, to you, my dear readers, my companions on this journey.

Life has a curious way of testing our resolve, of pushing us to our limits and beyond. Yet, it is in those moments of adversity that our faith is truly tested, where the seeds of resilience are sown. For me, it has been a journey of rediscovering my faith, of leaning on the unwavering love of God even in the darkest of times. And it is this faith, this steadfast belief in a higher purpose, that has carried me through.

But this journey is not mine alone. It is a shared experience, one that we embark on together. And as I step back into the realm of writing, of sharing my thoughts and experiences with you, I do so with a renewed sense of purpose. I want this space to be a beacon of hope, a sanctuary for meaningful conversations and connections.

Reflecting on the past four years, amidst personal milestones and professional achievements, I have discovered new depths within myself. I have entered my very first longer-term relationship post-divorce, embracing the joys and challenges of opening my heart again. Solo homeownership has granted me the opportunity to explore and create a space that reflects my identity and aspirations. Additionally, I am venturing into entrepreneurship with Heflin Hands, finding fulfillment in crafting and giving back to charities close to my heart.

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media, I contemplate the future of this blog. Do people still read blog posts, or is it time to transition to other platforms like YouTube or TikTok? Perhaps there is a way to integrate these platforms seamlessly, to reach a broader audience and rebuild the community that once thrived here.

Throughout it all, my commitment to community remains steadfast. As a member of various organizations, I aspire to lead and inspire others, leveraging my experiences and skills to make a meaningful impact.

As I embark on this new chapter, I am filled with anticipation for what lies ahead. Ready to continue sharing my journey with you, let us lean, learn, and grow together, as we rise from the ashes and embrace the newness that awaits us.

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Leticha Heflin the good ole' days...let us PRAY! 

Dear Heavenly Father,

I lift up each reader who has journeyed with me through these words. May Your blessings surround them and keep them safe. Grant them a week filled with wonder and joy, and may each day be filled with Your grace and presence. Bring peace to their hearts, and may they find encouragement in the calling You have placed upon their lives. For it is in the name of Jesus, thy holy name I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Ode to Rev. Donel Heflin, Sr. - My Dad


“... for God gives rest to his loved ones.” -Psalm 127:2

If you’re reading this it is because my hero - my dad has transitioned from labor to reward and has now released the troubles of the world in pursuit of the eternity promised in the sacrificed presented and resurrection demonstrated by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Most dads are cool but I’d like to argue that my dad was indeed THE BEST. 

In 1954, just as the mass vaccination of children against polio began and the huge Brown v. Board of Education decision was handed down my father entered this world with a sweet spirit and an impeccable ear for music. He often told me stories about how he would find tools around the house and neighborhood to build instruments that he could play. Although he reported getting in trouble for exploring the depths of blues and swing, daddy never let that deter his desire to sing. In fact, many who heard his voice felt like he was a modern day Sam Cooke and I must say that I too agree. 

Daddy himself told us just last week, in his younger years it was the honor of his life to participate in civil rights marches and sing the songs of freedom every step of the way.  During his high school years at Jones High School in Orlando, FL daddy sang on a number of published recordings and was an all around outstanding student which laid the foundation for him to be able to work in labs in college, studying chemical engineering and technology.  His desire to pursue a number of opportunities led him to the great city of Atlanta, GA where he worked, sang, and served the community until his death. 

The miraculous power of God revealed itself in a small space in his apartment at night after which daddy reported hearing the call of God to preach the Gospel. I can’t attest to the day or year (because I didn’t know that the last time I heard the story would be the last time) but I’m glad to report that daddy said YES to “The Call” and the rest is an immaculate testimony of trails, tribulations, but ultimately triumph. You see, thst yes led daddy to pursue college and seminary at all levels and impress his professors with profound knowledge and wisdom that only comes from God. 

While I could go on and on into his achievements and accolades, those things don’t seem to mean nearly as much in this moment. The heart healing truth for me today is the personified reality that my dad loved us and showed us in ways that words alone could never even begin to describe. 

Dad gave us music!

When we were old enough to walk, dad gifted us with instruments. For me that was the piano, organ, clarinet, and acoustic guitar. Our home was constantly filled with music and dad gave us the space to miss notes and try again without making us feel like our mistakes defined the whole presentation of the piece. Daddy focused on progress and gave notes of improvement from the perspective of a loving dad.  

Dad gave us history!

Anyone who ever spent 5 minutes with my dad can tell you that he had a gifted memory that afforded him the opportunity to read, listen, and remember information at a miraculous pace. He was so brilliant that he recently shared with us that he aced all of his professional examinations with flying colors. Dad could recall historic events and tell their stories as if he were there in person. His attention to detail and writing structure afforded us the opportunity to get a glimpse into the genius of God but also the error of our ways if we failed to recognize and critically speak-out against injustice and the unfair treatment of vulnerable populations in this country and beyond. 

Dad put his life on the line to save mine! 

When I was a junior in high school on our way to our grandmothers home for the holidays and a family funeral our car slipped on black ice and flipped twice with the entire family in the car. While my siblings were ok with a few scratches and bruises my dad decided that he wasn’t going to wait for the ambulance to come to save me, his daughter, he decided to do it himself. The severity of my wounds meant that dad’s courage saved my life and prevented further bleeding. Unfortunately this led to dad needing several surgeries to replace the shattered bones in his hands with metal and swelling and discomfort that he would deal with the remainder of his life. I never heard my dad complain about his hand. Through rehab and self-determination dad figured out a way to continue to play instruments, work, and serve others without complaint.  

Over the past few years many, myself included, have stood in opposition of any occurrence of hypocrisy evident in the fellowship of believers. In part because of the impact that manipulation and lies has on the vulnerable but mainly because my father himself was an advocate of integrity and truth. Dad by the power of God had the ability to serve as a conduit for miracles through prayer. I remember when a lady declared dead in the nursing home came back to consciousness after daddy prayed for her. I also recall the many times when dad pulled over to help total strangers having car troubles on the side of the road. My dad would give people the shirt off of his back no questions asked and would never mention or brag about how much he had because he understood that in a moments notice things could change. Dad constantly worked to make a difference and today for me, thats all that matters. Dad took the time to demonstrate servant-leadership. 

I decided to pursue higher education outside of the GREAT city of Atlanta, GA leading me to an undergraduate and graduate experience in Virginia. Then a full-time professional internship in Jackson, MS then a promotion to a federal agency (that dad was really proud of) leading me to the beautiful San Antonio, TX. Within the time frame of 10 years dad gave me life advice, moving advice, fiscal advice, professional advice, academic mentorship so much so that he pushed me to pursue just one more degree. None of these things are a testament of my brilliance, but all of these things speak to the power of an encouraging father and the grace of God to create windows and open doors of opportunities that align with the desires of my heart. 10 years later I got the call that the job of my dreams wanted me to move to Atlanta, GA and although I could have moved into an independent space and property I felt that moving home with mom and dad first would be a cool opportunity to teach my parents how to use their iPhones, answer any questions they had about Netflix, and learn as much as I can about the two treasures that raised me. I was super excited about the promotion but I was even more excited about the chance to be surround by live music, active class lectures, and sound advice. In October 2020, Dad welcomed me home and helped me unpack. In December, 2020 we welcomed my baby brother back from his service in Korea with the Army.  My dad mentioned last week that he wanted us to get together to sing like we did when we were younger and instead of waiting God put a song on my heart so on December 13, 2020 my younger siblings, my dad, and I sang What a Friend We Have in Jesus (two versions) on facebook live and that is the last time we will all sing together on this side ever again. 

While daddy was an exemplary dad he was also a community servant who stood in the full truth of a consistent need to show up for people in a meaningful way leading him to serve in the capacities below and beyond: 

  • Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a Chaplain
  • The DeKalb County School System in the capacity of PTA President (Midway Elementary School) 
  • Rehrig Pacific Company in many roles for 40+ years 
  • The Prison Fellowship as a Chaplain 
  • Molena, GA and the Molena, GA nursing home as Chaplain (20+ years) 
  • Greater Ephesus Missionary Baptist Church in whatever capacity needed (29 years) 
  • The 5th District of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of GA’s Youth Division (20+ years) 
  • God, Glitter, and Glam Ministries, Inc. (Executive Board Member 5+ years)
  • Various Alumni Associations, Ministers Unions, and Civic Engagement Organizations

Dad gave us time, attention, feedback, constructive criticism....and now He has been given rest, for he has prepared to be received by his own. 

May the journey of healing begin with this truth that Donel Heflin, Sr. lived a life where many called to testify about how he showed up for them in critical times. That my father was slow to anger and quick to lead in compassion and understanding. May his life reflect the importance of pursuing your dreams and pushing others to do the same. May the legacy of Donel Heflin, Sr. reflect that black-dads have the ability to forge a future for their children by being present. May his life reflect that love covers a multitude of things including space and time to tell the people we love that we love them one more time. 

Let us Pray: 


 I thank you for the life of my father and the opportunity to learn from one of your brightest pupils. God I ask that you comfort my family and keep those who are deeply hurt by an unexpected health event in what has already been a trying year in the palm of your hand. Help us oh Lord to honor you as we honor my dad. 

In Jesus name, 


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Bye-Bye Yesterday!

    M. D. Stokes put out an amazing song that explores trials that he had to overcome in order to reach a conclusion that in order to move forward he had to chuck up the duces to the past. Stokes proclaims that he has to say bye-bye to yesterday because his future is much brighter. There are so many quotes out there on social media that explore and dive into the facts of the future reminding us that you can’t move forward looking back, but not too many people dive into what to do with the emotional baggage in the space between. 


    Having overcome disappoint and rejection I remember a time when I thought well, I’ve extended forgiveness and moved on, but what should I do with the emotions of it all? Am I allowed to be upset? Is there room for me to share that I’m disappointed? Can I be angry and mad at the same time? Is there room in this faith walk for me to give institutions designed to protect me a side eye for letting me down? Is there space for me to be anything but perfect in this moment and if so where? My feelings are valid and real, where can I release them? 


    Y’all believe it or not I found my resolve in the word of God. No lie, in Matthew 26:39 the bible describes a situation in which Jesus literally fell on his face and pray, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou will be done.” Follow me here, our Savior Jesus felt the implications of his pending brutal experience on the cross and was just not feeling in that moment. Here we see God in the flesh wrestling with the agony of the situation mentally processing it and talking directly to the Father requesting in prayer that the cup be passed. If Jesus can wrestle with pain and address the thing that troubled him in such a direct fashion, so can I. If Jesus can battle the flesh having considered the weight of the call upon his life then, so can I. If Jesus can explore his hesitation and reluctance to pain, then so can I. However, because of his death and continued example in the final portion of the verse by submitting to the will of God, so must I. 


    The truth of our experience is simply this, emotional baggage takes time to process and the outline of that time varies from person to person. The process for some takes place at an accelerated rate and they are able to move on from hurt to healing in record time, but the rest of us have to put in the work every day to become better versions of ourselves. Some days that means taking off our petty hat and minding our business. Other days that means praying on the things that trouble us instead of avoiding things that take us to a place that make suffering in silence look the lesser of two evils. 


    For some of us, one disappointment led to another, one negative experience translated to another and it became so thick that it almost became difficult to breathe. It’s one thing for the car to breakdown but it’s a whole other thing for the car to breakdown in the middle of a road trip in the middle of the storm and for so many when it rains it pours. That rain sometimes can make you question whether or not God has forsaken you. It can also make you think that you might not be doing something right or maybe you missed a step that caused you to keep tripping up over the same things in the same spaces with the slim possibility of moving past it, but sis, I’ve got good news for you. You’re right where God wants you to be. I’ve wanted to write you for the longest period of time and tell you how well I’ve been doing about how meaningful the work that I’ve been blessed to take part in has been, but I felt like in so many ways I needed to take time to just be. To take it all in, the highs the lows the publicity and even the lack of accountability. I needed to embrace the transition, the boss moves, the exploration into entrepreneurship, the spiritual maturity, the growth vocally, the fun, the travel, the sisterhood, the scholarship and so much more. God has been amazing to me and I now realize that every disappointment leading up to this only worked to further fuel my why. 


    Some have asked well Leticha, how did you overcome? What did you do sis? Spill the beans and don’t leave anything out? So here goes, this is what I did, pull out your pencil and your pen because I did quite a bit:


1.    I decided to LIVE

2.    I decided to embrace more of my hobbies (and trust me I can knit a mean scarf lol)

3.    I decided to see a therapist (…because I want to be whole for this next chapter)

4.    I decided to keep following my heart by pursing my dreams (did I mention that I was offered my dream job on my birthday)

5.    I decided to LISTEN (anyone can talk to God, but a true disciple of the Father understands the importance of listening)

6.    I decided to JUST KEEP SWIMMING (on days when I didn’t quite feel like it, I did it anyway, show up for your life you only get one)

7.    I decided to remain ACTIVE (if you follow me on Instagram you know that I’ve been around the world and spending more time with the Earth has inspired me to dig deep)

8.    I decided to TELL MY STORY (…and many of you responded by messaging me yours, thank you it’s always good to know that you’re not alone)

9.    I decided to EVOVLE (my new relationship status has given me the opportunity to continue to embrace and develop positive habits and new affirmations...join me)

10.I decided to say BYE-BYE YESTERDAY (I’ll take the lessons we’ve learned together with me, but I’m determined to live a life embracing both now and what is to come)


    2020 has been such an interesting and disappointing year for so many and if you walked out of 2019 expecting the best of what God has for you in 2020, I just want you to know that it’s still possible. It can still happen! It’s your responsibility to walk around every day like a miracle can happen at any moment. Please know that you’re all always in my prayers and I just wanted to publicly thank you for you support over the years, I hope that we can continue to come together, grow together, and love on each other. Join me and let’s say it together, BYE! BYE! Yesterday!


Let us pray, 


 Heavenly Father, 


  Thank you for keeping us in what seems like the most trying year of our lives. Many of us crossed over into 2020 expecting greater and so I ask that you show up in unexpected ways in this season of our lives. Many of us suffered loss, rejection, and disappointment heal our hearts that we might remember that our steps are ordered in you. Help us to remember that what you have for us is already for us and that because you’ve preordained it to be so, it is so. Lord, I ask that you keep our hearts and minds in a season of uncertainty as we work to continue to discern your call upon our lives. Remind us that in all seasons you love us and created us for your Glory. Remind us when we forget that we are beautiful because we’re made in your image. Have your way oh God in our lives, help us to embrace transition and represent you in a way that brings glory and honor to your name. For it is in the Mighty, Marvelous, and Matchless name of Jesus the Christ We Pray, Amen! 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Unto Sweoster

“She [is] more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.” | Proverbs 3:15

I met a young lady once who was so kind, sweet, and honest that you couldn’t help but want to be her friend. She was cornier than most but somehow maintained an elegant grace that led you to believe that she meant well. She was a great sister, great friend, great colleague, and peer. She was blessed with the gift of support and had a way of motivating others with the way she commanded respectability politics. She had a way of endearing herself to you and giving you the space and time to do the same. Somewhere along the line she fell in love with attention, manipulation, copulation, self-glorification and set her gaze upon the things of others with envy. Eventually, she gave up those she professed she loved and decided to take the short cut to success hoping to get what she wanted faster. At one point, sis flat out reinvented herself to accommodate the expectations of others. For her a Christ-centered life evolved from a desire to please God into a desire to be pleased and adorned with perfunctory salutations. As her circle changed so did she and although it’s easy to place blame and focus on all the ways sis could’ve been a better person, it’s better to evaluate self and realize that there were plenty of missed opportunities before bad got worse to be a good sister. After-all she like me is more precious than rubies in the eye-site of the most High God!  

The interesting thing about the sisterhood is the fact that there a very few secrets within it. When a person is having a bad day or experiencing trouble there’s at least one other sister who knows about it. When there’s a sister on the verge of giving up and throwing in the towel there are signs within the bond that say, this sister is in need and here is a great opportunity to cover her and lift her up, but for whatever reason sometimes because of who it is and how we feel about them we find ourselves broadcasting information shared with us in confidence with other sisters who we already know feel a way about the sister in contention. We then stand in opposition of the faith we emotionally pressure others to embrace and wonder why our women empowerment event this year was cancelled due to low ticket sales and poor social media engagement. The sisterhood is a sensitive and sacred place that cannot be manipulated, bossed, bought, or bullied by those who stand against it in the name of shock value and patriarchal people pleasing. You must understand that fierce women were the first to share with the world that the Savior of the world had risen. 

We have a responsibility to take care of one another. We are literally in the fight of our lives against the enemy in the name of Christ who demands that we work together to evangelize to as many other people as possible, but we can not do that ripping one another to shreds. Stand up little sister, pick your head up big sister and let’s handle the business of the Lord in a way that reflects true sisterhood. Let’s love on each other in a way that says no matter what, that’s my sister one to whom I am spiritually connected with. It is my responsibility to cover her in love and prayer even when I don’t agree with her actions. Let’s be open to sisterly correction because there may be a time when we flat out get it wrong. 
It ain’t easy being a sister in the fellowship, but I believe that we can be more intentional about how we deal with and handle one another. 

May we forever be good sisters and great example of love before those of whom we say we love. May we forever remember that before we can empower a stranger we must uplift the sisters we know. The ones that some feel that they are above because… rumor has it. The ones struggling in their marriage because life happens to us all at one point or another. The one who wants you to love on her as a sister while simultaneously minding your own business because some of us can’t hold water. The one who has mental health moments but comes back better than ever every time. The one who is trying her best to balance motherhood and academic achievement because she knows that she can do it if she stays the course. The one who was in the middle of the he said she said because she’s still our sister and we have a responsibility to cancel the cancel culture that causes us to disregard one another like trash leaving little room for reconciliation. 

May our love for one another be genuine, whole, and excuse free. There’s just something about excuses that don’t sit well in the essence of true sisterhood. An excuse will always find a place amongst the insecure, unsure, and the ignorant. Excuses somehow always line up at the line of scrimmage prepared to make a play as a member of the defensive line but fail to hold the line and make effective plays because they are constantly tackled and debunked by truth, light, facts, and evidence. And here’s the truth that we all know but refuse to acknowledge, we could all afford to be better sisters. 

And finally kind sisters, may we never stop rooting for one another even when our season of friendship has come and gone. There is no measure of sisterhood that demands that we all be friends. Some personalities work better together than others. Some characteristics just mesh and complement one another for year and years no cap. Some make seasonal appearances and are gone faster than you can recite John 11:35, but that shouldn’t diminish the beauty of the time shared nor yield an insensitive campaign of subliminal jabs and cheap shots. This battle is so much bigger than small minded drama and confusion, we literally need one another to survive. A sisterhood is nothing without the prefix, our unity gives it context. 

Let us pray:


  Help me to be a better sister. Touch my sister where she may stand in need of thee. Allow us to walk together side by side encouraging one another every step of the way. Teach us oh Lord how to love on one another in a way that reflects compassion, kindness, light, and authenticity. Show us oh Lord how to respectfully disagree, aide us as we desire to walk close to thee. Guide us as we work to overcome personality differences learning to embrace one another for who it is that you designed us to be. Remind us when we are weak Lord that your strength is made perfect. Remind us that as sisters we have a responsibility to care for one another in a way that pleases you. Remind us that you intentionally created us and gave us gifts for the edification of your kingdom. Give us the strength to keep going, keep running, keep striving, keep goal-setting, keep praying knowing that you are all powerful. Touch us oh Lord, that we might salt and light in a world desperately in need of more of you, for it is in the mighty, marvelous, and matchless name of Jesus the Christ we pray, Amen. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

What's next sis?

Therefore, to one who knows the [a]right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”- James 4:17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Facebook live, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat didn’t make it hard to find her. And I will be the first to tell you that she is a beautiful sister who seems to have an amazing support system. During a phone conversation, she shared with me that she met a man who pursued her fervently. She said that he told her that he was divorced and that his wife (you’ll catch that on the way home) was dying of heart complications. She said, he said, he said, she said, he did, she said, he did, she participated, they said, she said, she said, she said, he said, he did, and what they did, I now know. I now wrestle with, I now take the broken pieces of my heart to the altar and I pray for them as I pray for myself because a covenant with God is a covenant with God and those who endorse its severance must too stand before the Father. 

Sometimes the rumors are often worse than the reality and the pain of a broken heart. Such lies result in irrational, quick, and illogical actions that equate to more pain, more suffering, more shame, and even more betrayal. Who wants to share with the world that their husband and spiritual leader had an affair outside of the marriage? Who wants to admit that that same husband orchestrated phone calls from his mistress to his wife to really cement the reality that the end of what could have been a beautiful story has come? Who wants to acknowledge that something that originally began as a dream became a nightmare, and who wants to take the blame? Who actually wants to say that something that I said, didn’t say, did, didn’t do led to a series of events, that led me here to the cross road of reconciliation and retaliation? Well sis, today I’ll start, and I’ll begin with this. Even in this, God’s grace is sufficient. 

No matter how I look at this pitiful situation I see God’s grace. I see how God allowed me to accept the opportunity of a lifetime and allowed me to link up with one of the greatest fellowship of believers on the planet. I see where God has given me the space to sing with all my might to him in worship day in and day out because he’s God and he’s Good. I see how God removed me from a situation that took more from me than it ever gave, and God allowed me to maintain in a safe place amongst those who love me the most. God gave me a family full of wise individuals who constantly share affirmations of positive love and healing for me because they know that it is one thing to lose your husband, but it cuts a little deeper when you lose both husband and spiritual leader. 

In the Epistle of James, the writer uses his pen to articulate the need for specific separations. He spells out the expectations of mature Christians as they walk with Jesus Christ and tells the reader to live out the conviction by which they say they believe. Poetically enough, in the 4thchapter of James the writer tells us how to deal with drama by encouraging us to dedicate ourselves to God and right around the 12th verse he tells us that we mess up, when we only consider ourselves. Selfish decisions lead to corruption. As believers we know that trying to please the flesh is a no go as one never quite feeds the flesh so instead, we should work to deny the things of the world and dedicate ourselves in action to the God of our salvation. 

However, not every person who claims the father knows him personally. And not every person who states that they are called by God, has actually been called to preach the gospel. You see, YouTube, Facebook live, and various commentaries have made it so much easier for individuals who show no sign of the call in their daily life to preach impeccably stolen and plagiarized work without the inspiration of the spirit of God. Years and years of practice and eloquence can at times substitute for discipline and the actual time it takes to dive into the word of God for fresh revelation. For a life of worship is one that pleases God, but a life full of deceit and using sex to bring people into the fold, is an abuse of power and it is absolutely wrong. 

To live a life where you stand behind the sacred desk to preach the Gospel on Sunday, but alternate women Monday through Friday, yet you’re a married man is not a reflection of Jesus the Christ. To mislead people through messenger and try to use your position in church to take advantage of them sexually is wrong. To threaten suicide every time one of the said women decide that they no longer want to play games with you is manipulative and very far from a reflection of God’s command that we be both salt and light in this world. Who will stand up against the wolves of this world to say you have no place here? Souls hang in the balance and you are hindering the sons and daughters of God from being able to see God because you refuse to control your flesh. 

Theologist Candice Benbow says, “it’s about the belief that “godly” men can do whatever they want and suffer very few consequences. It’s about an ideology that suggests the closer a man’s ministry is aligned with David (not Jesus), the more anointed and impactful it will be.”

Today, I stand as a human being still processing the fact that I am one of many. One of many sisters who loved a man who is also a spiritual leader, who lied, cheated, and lied some more. I stand as a sister who still believes that God’s grace is still sufficient for him too. I stand as a sister who acted out of frustration and disappointment as she learned of new life as a result of poor choices, but as a sister who believes that in all things, God has a plan. 

Therefore, I also stand to wish my sister (the other sister) a beautiful life and a new beginning. I wish her well in this new phase of life and her transition into what could potentially be the title of first lady in the fellowship of the Lord’s church. I pray that she is a light for other young women and that she transparently shares with them that God can heal any wound, save any soul, and change any life. I pray that she remembers all of the exciting qualities that make her special and that she becomes a force in the faith community advocating for the discarded sisters of the fellowship. The ones who are victims of abuse, manipulation, the sisters who are ostracized because of the call of God upon their life, the sisters who are homeless, the sisters who will walk away from prostitution after hearing the word of the Lord, the sisters who are single mothers, the sisters who are survivors of rape, cancer, and all other illnesses because we serve a God who can do anything. 

I’ve learned more in three weeks, than I’d ever imagine, but above all else I’ve learned how to depend on Jesus even more, by calling a spade a spade and standing flat footed against the powers of darkness. Satan gets no victory here as today is a new opportunity to love both in and on purpose. So many women facing similar situations have asked the question, what now sis? I’m so glad they asked because today, I get to decide how I let the actions of others impact my life. Today, I choose to move forward sharing this glimpse of hope with all of you hoping that you will learn from this and move forward in God’s grace. 

1.    No matter what listen to the voice of God and follow his instructions
2.    Count your blessings
3.    Don’t be afraid to tell your truth and call demons what they are: Demons 
4.    Be Blessed in Jesus, don’t ever let anyone’s actions toward you convince you that God doesn’t love you (John 3:16)

Live your life sis, don’t turn back. Don’t turn back!

Let us pray:

Well Lord,

  Here I am a servant of yours and I feel that my heart is broken into a range of what might be estimated to average around a million pieces. Here I am oh Lord, open, honest, transparent, and weary asking that you create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I ask oh Lord that you take the things in me out that are not like you oh God and that you restore the joy of my salvation, like only you can. I ask that you bless him, her, and everyone else as we’ve all got faults that need your touch. Forgive us oh God, for not always being shining examples of your truth and your light. Help us oh Lord to be better. For every brother and sister in need of reconciliation oh God I ask that you grant it. For every brother and sister seeking peace I ask that you grant it. For every person still overcoming the harsh reality of pain, suffering, and loss of any kind God I ask that you wrap your loving arms around them and heal them in Jesus name. If there is someone that has walked away from you oh God because of a bad experience in a relationship oh God I ask that you restore them. If there is someone with hatred in their heart for another as a result of broken promises Oh God, I ask that you mend their heart and open them up to forgive others as you forgive us. Work on me Lord, that I might be all that you desire me to be and please oh God don’t let my life and my experiences be in vain. For it’s in the Mighty, Marvelous, and Matchless name, of Jesus the Christ I pray, Amen.  

Monday, December 29, 2014

A Dreamer's Dream

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Genesis 50:20 NLT)

Our friend and beloved brother Joseph (introduced to us in Genesis 35:24 as a son of Rachel) knows rejection. Joseph, son of Jacob who had been sold into slavery by members of his own family knows isolation. Joseph according to scripture (Genesis 39) was traded by the Ishmaelite traders and purchased by a man named Potiphar. From there Joseph worked diligently, but was falsely accused of rape (by Potiphar's wife), and sent to prison. If that wasn't enough, while in prison he was forgotten by those he helped and in a sense punished for doing the right thing.  No matter the wrongs Joseph continued to hold fast to his integrity. He stayed steadfast in his faith and soon found favor with Pharaoh. Joseph's life in more ways than one seemed like a roller coaster. When it was up it was way up, and when it was down is was way down, but no matter the placement Joseph knew that God would provide. Eventually, Joseph was in a position to help those who hurt him starting with his family. If it were you, would you have a heart to forgive those that hurt you and help them? 

No need to beat around the bush, you know what you've been through. You know the extent to which you've been hurt and you know the pain that you've endured. You can recall those who set traps before you by name and you remember how much it hurt. You recall the dream killers and you remember the ones who stuck around to see you fail. All of those feelings in one space can easily cause anyone to be angry to the point of lashing out, but I encourage you to rise above it. Stay true to who it is that God has designed you to be. Hurt and pain come with the territory, because even in your lows God is working on you that someone might be inspired by your testimony. It's time to dream big dreams and see them through, but you can't see dreams through trying to bring yourself the justice that only God can provide. The cycle of hurt people hurting people must stop now. The bible is full of the testimonies of people who were small in the eye site of man, but Great in the eye site of God. Which is an indicator that only God has the final say. 

Therefore, I encourage you to stop keeping track of the wrongs done to you by those who say they love you. Remember that with God's help any situation can be used for God's glory. 
In this faith journey it's very easy to get discouraged, but I dare you to dream. Have faith and know that even in your suffering and discomfort, God has a purpose and a plan for your life. It's in faith that miracles happen and in works that our dreams come to pass. So let's work! 

Let's pray: 
Search our hearts that we might live according to your expectations of us. Give us the courage to shine our lights in dark places and help us to realize that you will never leave us nor forsake us for it is in the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen! 

But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. (Genesis 50:20 KJV)