Sunday, August 4, 2013

He said, She said

How dare you offend me! How dare you fix your mouth to say anything other than, God bless you to me. Before you begin to analyze every aspect of my life both public and private, check yourself and get you in check. I applaud you, because you don't know me, and you obviously don't know that I haven't been saved all of my life. Oh, I'm sure that you didn't get the "she's a work in progress" memo, but rest assured I'm not so saved that I can't stop, drop, and put you back in your place. If you don't know, you better ask somebody. I don't have time for the drama, I really don't have time for the mess, and I don't have time for you. Not only have you managed to get on my nerves in a matter of milliseconds, but you've press every single one of my buttons, and I'm angry. So now I've got to go out of my way, to let you know that you've got the right one today.

In the heat of the moment God's grace and mercy are the furthest things from your mind. When someone has gone out of their way to question your integrity, values, calling, talent, sincerity, and authenticity your first thoughts are not, "Father God bless them, and keep me near the cross." Instead, you immediately feel attacked, and sometimes betrayed by people you once called, "Friend.” You tell yourself that there is only one option, defense. You begin to fire back in the name of your reputation, ego, and pride in an effort to set the record straight. But, you failed to realize that just by responding, you’ve assisted the adversary's in accomplishing their mission. That's why Jesus in the 13th chapter of Matthew warned the disciples, after they questioned his usage of parables, that Satan's goal is to snatch away the goodness sown into your heart. The devil knows that in end God's will shall be done. He is fully aware of the fact that he has no control over you because God is all powerful. This forces him to retreat to gimmicks and schemes to try to mentally get you in a place where you feel trapped. Keep in mind that in Acts 1:8 God grants us power after the Holy Spirit has come upon us, and declares us in Romans 18:17 to be heirs and joint heirs with Christ, if we share in his suffering.

The entire purpose of someone coming to tell you what someone else said in a conversation that you were not present to hear was to make you mad. Your co-worker lied on you to management because they knew that you would be hostile in your reaction once you found out. Your peer took credit for a concept that took you alone developed because they knew how protective you were of your work. That car that was rushing and almost caused an accident by forcing their way on to the main road knew that you would not hit them. The only reason Sister You Know Who, told you, You Know What, was to make you feel, You Know How, and now you can't even minister effectively because your mind is in a place that is not conducive to spiritual productivity. The adversary's sole purpose in presenting such a situation before you, was so that you might transition from a place of positive action to negative reaction and disorderly conduct. You are officially under attack!

If you know that you have a hard time dealing with people who call you outside of your name, it's time for you to stop entertaining their antics. If you know that you are sensitive in regards to certain topics because your loved one passed, you have a history of bad experiences with that subject matter, or just because it rubs you the wrong way it's time for you to begin to reevaluate those you call friend. Anytime temptation comes, the Holy Spirit will always clue you in well before the situation gets out of hand. When God granted man the gift of freewill it was not just the liberty to say Yes Lord, but it was also the option to say no. If you can find it within yourself to reject God by living according to your own righteousness, surely you can say no to situations that are meant to so easily beset and persistently trouble you. Why give someone that type of power over you? Why harbor such anger that if the right statement is said toward you, you're offended and ready to revert back to the ways that you asked God to deliver you from?

The time has come for us to take responsibility for every single one of our actions. You cannot control what others say or do, but you can control how you respond. You can love others as much as Christ loves you. You do have the option to swallow your pride, ignore your ego, and walk away. You can control yourself by going to a place where it's just you and God, and praying that God begin to take the spirit of hostility, anger, and hatred away from you. You can take all of your problems to the feet of God, for he said in his word, "Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken"(Psalm 55:22 NIV). God has equipped you with the ability and strength to overcome, begin to Bless God, begin to tell God thank you, just begin to worship as the Israelites did in the face of adversity, and go to the one who created you in prayer and watch Him begin to work on your behalf. There is no way for you to be able to be of the world when things are wrong and Team Jesus when things are right, all at the same time. God will not honor those inconsistencies, you cannot I repeat you cannot serve two masters. Scriptures says that you will, "love one and despise the other" (Matthew 6:24) not because it sounds deep, but because it is very true. Getting angry and upset every time someone says or does something that you don't like will not solve anything. On many occasions, it really makes matters worse and gives those in the world watching you one additional reason to hold off turning their lives over to Christ. Remember that in many cases, regardless of how you feel or how others made you feel, you are the only Christ that some may ever see. Take responsibility, and be a genuine example of God's love. Pray for those who seek your destruction. Keep the middle man in your prayers too. Realize that their constant participation in negative discussion of you is done solely to increase the chance of a conversation about them and their insecurities. Rest assured that God is faithful, and just to forgive. Have faith, and know that the choice is yours. Day in and day out, I am praying for this generation of young people who are full of talented, gifted, and most importantly, anointed individuals. And I would hate to see anyone of us fall to temptation due to a lack of self control. So, put your fists down and pick your bible up. And let the He said, She said, be ever destroyed by what God said.

Let us go before the throne of Grace:


We just want to say thank you for all that you are. For your loving kindness, and tender mercy we say thank you. For watching over us and keeping us in the palm of your hand, God we say thank you. For all that you are doing in our lives and the lives of others Lord we say thank you. We understand that we are no one and nothing without you, and so we submit ourselves and subject ourselves to that of obedience. We submit ourselves to your righteousness that we might fall not for the traps set before us. Lord we ask that you forgive us for thinking more of ourselves than we should. We ask that you forgive us for giving into the pride of life, and living according to our own righteousness. Lord we ask that you be a constant fence around us, and that you protect us from ourselves. Help us to realize that when others reject us that they are only rejecting you within us, so help us to not be afraid. Give us the strength to walk away in questionable situations, give us the strength to walk away from tempting situations because we want to honor you in all of our doing. Have you way in our lives God like only you can. Speak to our hearts that we might live lives that are pleasing in your sight. Thank you for everything. Thank you in advance for granting the request of our prayers Lord. Thank you in advance Lord for your enlightenment, your long suffering, peace, and unspeakable joy. We bless your name God because you're worthy of all Praise. Thank you Lord for we know that even when feel as if we're under attack that you are a battle ax in a time of war and a shelter in a time of storm. We pray to you in the only name worth talking about, the only name by which we must be saved, and the only name that has the power to break every chain in our lives. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen

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