Monday, June 17, 2013

Welcome to Worship

Let me start by saying, "Hello and welcome to a new style of blogging."
It is my intention to share my thoughts from time to time, but it is my priority to share and shine light on the relevance of, "Youth in Ministry." Ministry being anything from serving on the evangelism team at your local church, to singing on the praise and worship team. Everything done must be done in the name of Jesus and for the Glory of Christ Jesus. Not only will we talk about ministry, but we will also talk about things that you may be dealing with on a personal level, things that not many are willing to discuss. This blog goes behind the microphone to discuss the condition of the young worship leader.

  • What do you do when your friend stops being your friend because of envy?
  •  How to deal with saints who look down on you? 
  • The Dos and Don'ts of teen Christian dating 
  • Youth ministry from the ground-up 
  • How to get youth excited about Christ in your community
  • When keeping it real get's too real 
  • When ministry has too much I and Me 
  • When God called me to go against the grain 

 All of which are topics in which I hope to discuss with you here on this blog. This blog celebrates the beat of the music, but finds value in the lyric of the song. This blog acknowledges God, and seeks to improve the condition of his people through conversations that unify on the premise of the context of the word of God. It is my prayer that something said on this blog is a blessing to you, that you are encouraged to continue doing what God has ordained you to do as a youth in ministry.

The Basics
Let's start off on the right foot with a proper introduction of self, let me clarify a few things for you. My name is Lady LP (Leticha Priscilla), and I am a full time student at the one and only Hampton University. I consider myself to be very involved in respects to campus ministry, and I've come to realize a few things about the "State of the Young Saint." I am a member of the General Missionary Baptist Convention of Georgia, Inc., the South East Regional Youth Convention of the Women's Auxiliary of the National Baptist Convention, Inc., along with a host of other religious affiliations, but you must know that none of the views or opinions stated in this blog should be taken as the perspective or view of the aforementioned parties. I am a servant of God first, and I seek to please him first. I've done several things in ministry, but enough about me let's get to the meat of the matter. The fact is this, God has given me a heart for his people, I find joy in the simple things in life, and I seek only to encourage the people of God. My opinions are bible based, the more I study the more I grow. I believe in the power of prayer and the fact that prayer changes things, and that because of the power given to the saint in Acts 1:8, we have the power to speak life to our situations and one another. My mission is not to keep it real, but my mission is to be real.

The Big Idea
I decided to start this blog because of the feedback that I was receiving as a result of my twitter feed (@ladylpheflin) and the responses that I received from people saying that what I said was the truth, and that it made they're day that much better, and I got to thinking, about ways in which I could continue to do that for a larger platform. Well, this is my leap of faith, I'm not looking for popularity, I'm not concerned with whether or not this outlet is my next big break, but instead I want to talk to that young lady who feels like she has nothing left to let her know that God is in control. I'd like to speak to that young man who feels like he's the perfect gentleman, but the ladies won't give him a shot to let him know that marvelous things come to those who wait patiently.  To speak to you as God speaks to me to let you know that trouble is only a temporary state of being and that it does not last forever, and that Jesus loves you past your wrong, and that his love is everlasting. In fact if its ok, I'd like to pray with you now, to ask God to work like only he can in your life, and to give you a heart of worship that your life show forth a testimony of his goodness and love.

Let us bow together
Gracious God our father, Lord we come before you with a humble heart just saying thank you. Thank you for waking us up this morning. Thank you for starting us on our way God, thank you for the ability to do as we have done, and the right mind that you have given us. God we ask that you forgive us for our sins and short comings both known and unknown Lord and we ask that you open the eyes of our hearts that we may reflect the light of your Glory through out our day to day activities. Heavenly Father be with us and move on our behalf in our situations that only you know what it is that we are going through and only you can fix it. Lord I ask that you speak on behalf of those with no voice, be a doctor in the sick room, a lawyer in the courtroom, a teacher in the classroom, be a pastor to some congregation, be a worship leader to the people, be a father to the fatherless, a mother to the motherless, a friend to the friendless, that we might be effective leaders to your people. Speak through us Lord even before we approach the pulpit, minister to us Lord even before we look at a mic and stand before your people. Work on us Lord that our conditions may line up with our positions in you Lord for we are nothing without you. Bless us and keep us in the mighty and matchless name of the Christ we pray. Amen!


Anonymous said...

This was cool I needed this

Anonymous said...

LP you have put your wisdom to Good use for the people and I'm glad to say that I know you and have met you even if it is for just this College period of time. I hope this blows up for you because you deserve it. You're one of the few passionate people that I know about everything you do, no matter what please don't stop sharing.

Anonymous said...

I would like to follow this blog, and possibly bring you in to lead discussions with my youth group....there are some good nuggets here that could possibly open up dialogue amongst the youth in my ministry

Unknown said...

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! I am convinced that this ministry will be an outlet for the chains of confusion and misleading truths about who God is will be broken. I am truly excited about what God has in store and I know He is going to move in ways never before seen. I charge you to keep your ears open to hear Him, your eyes open to see Him, and your heart open to receive Him.