Before we pray this prayer it is very important for me to give honor to whom honor is due. Andrew D. Williams made the suggestion that a few of us get together tonight and pray for a successful school year. Cydnei Williams, Danielle Hawkins, and LaQuayle Agurs worked together to make it happen. Here is where God presented us with the first lesson of the semester. When you work together you shall (we shall) accomplish everything that we set out to accomplish. Simply because we deny the what's in it for us, and pose questions that resolve to make change and influence the lives of many. We had no idea that so many students would show up, even though we had a short period of time to come together taking into consideration the fact that the freshmen have an 11pm curfew. Nevertheless, it is with a love for God, Hampton, and Great expectations for a successful semester and school year that I encourage every student every where who begins school on tomorrow to go above and beyond to excel. We can pray this prayer for you, but if you never open a book this prayer is in vain. Speak life over this semester even in Hard times, speak life even when things may not seem to be going your way because scripture tells us to, "Speak those things that be not as though they were"(Romans 4:17). Scripture also tells us that if we have the Faith the size of a mustard seed mountains must move (Matthew 17:20). We have the ability to climb a mountain, and we also have the option to drill a hole through it as man has done in the past, but it is because of the power of God within us that we are able to command situations that may seem like huge mountains in our life and they must move so keep the faith, and don't give up. You shall succeed, you shall accomplish goals even if they seem far away. You shall....... Fulfill God's plan for this semester in your life, and come out on top!
Let us bow:
Here we are Lord,
Your children humbling ourselves before your throne to ask your blessing as we partake on what is now another semester for some and a brand new college experience for others. You've already blessed us in safe travels and you've already kept us in every aspect of our lives up until this very moment, so now Lord we ask that you anoint and sanctify this Fall 2013 semester that it might be greater than any other season in our life. Bless every classroom that it might be conducive to learning. Touch every professor that they might constructively challenge every single one of us to reach and maximize our full potential. Bless the life of the person who's hand I am holding. Allow them to be able to excel regardless of the obstacles that they might be facing, provide for everyone of their needs, grant them the desires of their heart, that they might be able to excel in spite of the things that they may be going through. Help them to realize that they can't make it, and that they won't make it without you Lord, for we are nothing without you. Give us the organizational skills that it will take to succeed, and the study discipline that it will take to reach every dream, vision, and goal. We speak life in every aspect of this semester. We speak love in every aspect of this semester. Have your way Lord on this campus, Hampton University our home by the Sea. Have your way in our lives that we might do our very best this semester and give you Glory and Honor every step of the way. Bless everything from the pencil and paper, to the buildings, allow your spirit to meet us where we are that we might carry out the expectations of our forefathers and live lives that fulfill the works that you are doing in every single one of us. Bless us now and keep us now for it is in the mighty name of Jesus we pray, Amen!
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