Sunday, September 15, 2013

For the Record

I don't always make the best decisions. In fact, I make mistakes very often. However, I do my best to do better and be better every day. Who am I to blame God in my error, and who am I to blame Satan in my error? I know when I'm wrong and I know when I'm right, and if I'm ever confused, the Holy spirit provides clarity. The Christian in me acknowledges the error in my ways, and in humility accepts responsibility for my wrong, in an effort to spiritually mature and make it right.
Sometimes we know so much that we know nothing at all. All too often, we as young adults are NEVER wrong. We know it all, wrote it all, say it all, and do it all because we've found a way to misconstrue the word of The Lord to justify our wrong. We paint a mental picture of ourselves and feel disrespected if anyone dares to challenge us. 
Too many saints have a greater than attitude. Too many players on Team Jesus have a superior perspective. But, if you are truly apart of the body of Christ, this ought not be your thoughts or actions. Too many saints have forgotten the fact that we as Christians are not called to be serviced, but we are called to serve. We're called to extend ourselves beyond the border of our comfort zone by reaching out to those in need. Matthew 23:11 says, "The greatest among you must be a servant."
How dare I live a blessed life, and not share what it is that I have with others because I failed to see what's in it for me? How dare I walk past people that I know personally and turn my head because they're having a hard time in this season of their life? How dare I assume that I'm the only person with problems and situations that might seem to hard to bear? How dare I think only about me, how dare you think only about you....God expects so much more. Acts 20:35 says,"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Ask yourself a few questions. How many conversations do you have on a daily basis? If more than two or three, in how many of those conversations do you serve as the listener, simply being there for someone in need? In all of your thoughts, how often do you think of someone outside of yourself? Lending a helping hand can be as simple as being concerned about your fellow brother or sister in Christ.  But lets keep in mind that the greatest difference really takes place outside of the four walls of your local church and sanctuary. Any one can shine a little in a bright place, but it takes someone God sent to shine a light in a dark place, encouraging others to come to Christ. It's not our job to bash those who may not know Christ, but it is our job to share God's love with them. Making a difference can be as simple as volunteering to work with young people in the community, serving as a mentor, big sister, or a big brother. Simply put, take time to give back. There is not one among us who got to this place in life without the help of someone. In order for us to effectively minister to others we must first have an understanding of what it is that we say that we believe, and in whom it is that we say that we believe. Spend some time with Jesus, begin to open up the word God, that might be prepared to service others as God has called his children to do so.  
For the record, I've never seen a flash light work without batteries. How can light pierce darkness with out the necessary power to function? The word of God is a lamp unto our feet, and a light into our path, that we might understand the work that God is doing in our life. Scripture says," “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve…” (Mark 10:45). Jesus served, Jesus reached out to lend a helping hand, Jesus made a difference, and so can you.
Let us bow:
Grant us a submissive spirit that we might do what it is that you've called us to do. Help us to realize that you have not blessed us as you have, for us to be selfish. You did not grant us another day of life and breath for us to sit on the stool of do nothing. Lord we're grateful for all of the things that you've done for us, and so it is our prayer that you lead and guide us as we humble ourselves to lend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters. We love you Lord, and we thank you for everything in the mighty and matchless name of the Christ we pray, Amen!

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