We waist too much time doing absolutely nothing. So much so that when it's time to get things done, we're more than overwhelmed. We want what other people have and want to be where other people are, but have yet to invest the diligence it takes to have those things and get to those places. We often only attempt to succeed at the things we see ourselves succeeding in because we're afraid to lose. We spend every moment comparing ourselves to others to the point that we've become unidentifiable to the people around us. Hard work and dedication are words of responsibility, but in order for God to enlarge our territory we must first tap into our inner self discipline.
Are we really ready for a financial break through, what would we do with that money? Are we really ready for that six figure opportunity, what would we do with the influence? We must brace ourselves for the mighty move of God about to take place, and it means that we must spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally be in a good place. Therefore we must resolve to watch and pray in this season as the fulfillment of years and years of prayer are about to be fulfilled in our lives.
Believe it or not, "self" is in the way of the progression that we so desperately seek. We want everyone else to encourage us, invest in us, and uplift us, but we fail to encourage, invest, and uplift ourselves. We are afraid of success because we've not allowed our minds to conform to God's agenda and his plan for our lives. Our faith meter says that we're barely holding on, and that if push were to ever come to shove we would try to rely on our own strength to deliver us, completely disregarding God's strength, knowledge, wisdom, and power.
Habakkuk 2:2 instructs us to, "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."Take time to plan out and thoroughly think out the things that you've asked God for. Begin to evaluate your habits both good and bad, write down those habits, think about whether or not the desire of your heart at the time was an "out of season request" (a time in which your readiness was no match for the opportunity you so desperately sought after). Who were you surrounded by? Did those around you push and encourage you to be great, or did they only contribute negativity to the point where you too began to doubt the ability of God to work on your behalf? Exactly, how desperate are you for the things that you've asked God for? Are you comfortable with the changes that it would require of you? God has invested so much into you, every morning that you wake, there is purpose. Whether you feel good, bad, happy, or sad you're existence is purpose. The activity of your limbs speaks purpose and where there is purpose, there can also be prosperity. However, that prosperity will come to those who are diligent stewards over what God has set before them.
Realize that not everyone can make it to the top of the mountain of success with you. Apart of the progress that we have failed to see thus far is because we refuse to release the old and embrace the new. God didn't call us to save and deliver the world, he sent Jesus to do that. So, it is more so our responsibility to direct others in the direction of Christ, that they might experience his presence for themselves allowing them an opportunity to make a conscious decision on their own. The only person that you have the power to change is you and so everything else must be left up to prayer and supplication. With God on your side all things are possible, so be encouraged to take that leap of faith, strive for success, trust God both in and outside of your comfort zone knowing that he will not leave you or fail you. Go ahead fill out that application for that job opportunity in another state, apply for every scholarship that comes across your email, network with your professors, develop relationships that will last you a lifetime, go for that job promotion, apply to every graduate program you find, and understand that with faith all things are possible, but you must believe.
At some point you must embrace the victory, and claim your success even before the pieces of possibility begin to come together. Before it begins to make sense, before others are able to embrace God's unique assignment upon your life, you must own up to the call, and walk your path. Everyday may not be shiny, but if you keep pushing the sun will come. Trials and tribulations are apart of life, but they should never be the determining factors regarding whether you decide to push through or quit.
Isaiah 55:11 says, "...so is my word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Take rest in The Lord and know that His Word will not return back to you void. If His will is for you to succeed, it will come to pass, so do not allow yourself to be comfortable in failure.
Let us bow:
Here we are, taking a leap of faith and hoping that you'll grant us the desires of our hearts. Here we are trying something new and praying that you will ordain our success in everyday possible. Help us to use the platform that you've placed before us that it might further advance the kingdom of heaven and bring others to you. Lead us and guide us so that others when others see your work in us, they glorify you. Thank you for this chance to achieve, excel, and be great. We're so grateful and so excited, and so we ask that you help us to focus that energy that we might be diligent and faithful to your call. Help us, be with us, stand by us, order our steps in your will and your way for it is in the name of the Christ we pray, Amen!
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