Monday, October 21, 2013

Zoom Zoom Zoom

“Write the vision
And make it plain on tablets,
That he may run who reads it.
For the vision is yet for an appointed time;But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,It will not tarry."-Habakkuk 2:3

God has laid it on your heart to blaze a trail where no man has gone. Initially, it's a very exciting thought. But then it dawns on you. There is a possibility that your friends can not come with you, because this particular divine assignment is not a group project. Reality sets in and you realize that in order to complete such a task, you must push yourself, encourage yourself, pray and fast a lot, and walk out on faith. But then, somewhere in the middle of it all, things get a little unfamiliar. People begin to act strange, no one is dependable anymore, people aren't keeping their promises, and you begin to question whether or not God really ordained such a massive assignment, and if so, you want to know why you were the one assigned? Why must there be so many obstacles and bumps in the road? Why does it always seem like everything that could go wrong, falls apart all at once? So much so that you begin to loose site of the promise land of said assignment and you begin to forget the original intention of the journey. What's left to do, but turn around?
Sometimes you've got to see yourself there before you get there. Life get's real, and can sometimes take an unexpected turn. That car accident, that sickness, that bad grade on a test/quiz, that on the job write-up, that unexpected bill due date, that car malfunction, etc. all make it very easy to begin to complain. When your mind begins to scale the weight of your good days to decide whether or not they outweigh your bad days, hard times begin to help you come to a quick, and often incorrect, conclusion. But today is the day that a shift in the supernatural must take place. Today is the middle ground where you must understand that to really cross over into the promise land you must in fact change your perspective and your attitude. Prepare yourself, and get ready to be amazed. You must have great expectations for God in this season, and stand whole heartedly on the promises of God. Understanding that there is power granted to us in word of God in Acts 1:8. Therefore, we must have Hebrews 11:1 faith to back it up. I'm very confident in Christ, I know who God is, and where he brought me from. My testimony is great, I am on fire for God. I'll never give up on God because he's never given up on me. I serve a mighty God. God is faithful and just to forgive, and even when I messed up he blotted out my transgression and casted my sin into the sea of forgetfulness, he's just that good. Who wouldn't serve a God this good?

Right now it looks like God has given me the things I've asked for in ernest prayer and now I'm wondering if I'm aiming too low. We ask God for things in faith, but we sort of dumb it down to make it what we would consider doable for God hoping to increase the chances of it coming forth in our lives. But I really want to be bold, not for me, but for God. I use to always say that if Simon Peter had the power to say in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Rise up and walk,we should have the same power. Do not we serve the same God? Is he not still able? Is it because most of us are only worried about ourselves, is that the reason why we can't even pray people out of sickness? Not all of us, but enough of us. I don't know what God has in store for me, but whatever it is. Get ready! He's made it plain for me, the same way he'll make it plain for you. Stand in strong faith, serve God in all that you do, and finish your divine assignment.

Let us bow:

Father in Heaven,
Thank you for life, breath, health and strength. Thank you for a beautiful family, friends, loved ones, and community. Thank you for scholarships, leadership opportunities, and a complex network. Lord I thank you for the gift of salvation and Jesus. Thank you for your love, power, and protection.
Now God I ask that you have your way in my life like only you can. Take complete control! Lord lead and guide me in the way that I should go that I may live a life pleasing in your sight.
Lord, I ask that you guide my dreams, goals, vision, and life plans. Open doors that would not ordinarily be open, provide opportunities rarely given. Enlighten me oh Lord that I might understand, work on me that I might be productive shining your light in my home, professional work climate, and community. Bless my friends that we might all achieve great and wonderful things in your name. Have your way Lord. Allow us to be able to travel the world that we might be able to share your word with others who might not know you. Give us the courage to be different. Order our steps Lord in your will and in your way. Allow our faith and spiritual growth to continue. Bless all of us, each and every one of us that we might obtain degrees and prestige for your Glory and Honor. Set us in a place of no lack. In the name of Jesus, touch us God in a mighty way, and keep us so that we might live plentiful lives. Bless our children that they too might come to a place at a young age where they would have a heart to worship you.
Touch our thoughts, teach us how not to be greedy, give us the heart of a servant that we might share in the right spirit. Give us the will to reach every dream and goal in both the natural and supernatural realms. Allow us to be a blessing to our family, friends, loved ones, communities, state, nation, country, and civilization. Use me Lord. If no one else; I'm available. Hold my hand, send me I will go. Allow people to be blessed just by your presence in me. Touch my mind in Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

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