Monday, November 18, 2013

The Illegitimate Child

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

No matter what you do, you don't fit in. No matter the amount of make-up you put on, regardless of how fashion forward you are, despite how articulate you are, you don’t fit in. You don’t feel welcome in any space. You don’t know whether it’s because of something you’re doing, or something you’re not. So you began to venture out. Oh you couldn’t wait to leave your mother’s house (post High School graduation) because you knew that when you got to college that you would be able to live life on your own terms. You knew that you would be able to come in contact with thousands of individuals who never knew you, and recreate yourself. You were excited to reinvent yourself, to spiritually sign yourself up for a social experiment just to find out that although people are accepting of the persona that you portray, you feel uncomfortable. Every day you catch yourself slipping further and further away from the core of who you are, all because you’ve changed, and you’re the one to blame.

So here is where you stop reading. Here is where you begin to roll your eyes and get irritated. But before you turn your cell phone off never to read, “Lady LP’s Classified: Worship Survival Guide” again, it’s important that I apologize for sharing your truth this week. Wait, here is where you expect me to say something that makes you feel…better, and here it is….God loves you and he accepts you, all of you for who it is that he has designed you to be.

Your resumè is stacked, packed, and flashy. You've done this, you’ve done that, and you’ve saved the world. Now God is trying to save you from yourself, but because you’re perfect, you can't even see it. You don’t like people to talk about your imperfections, so reading this post makes you feel some type of way, and it’s about time. Scripture tell us, “Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil” (Proverbs 3:7). You have a bad attitude, you don’t know how to talk to people without belittling them, and that’s a problem. People tip toe around you because they don’t want to make you mad. You’re snappy, you’re rude, you’re inconsiderate and you change the mood of every environment that you step foot into because you’re “hard core devastating”, and it’s ugly. People tolerate you because of the spirit of God inside of them, not because of what’s on the inside of you, yet you know better. You attend church every Sunday, you sing in the choir, you’re the head of a ministry at your home church, you hold every title possible, but none of those things speak to your character. None of those titles can comfort you in the midnight how when life seems as if it’s hitting you hard. That attitude is not going to take you any further than you are right now. That negativity is not going to open closed doors in your presence. In fact, it may lock them in your face, and delay the things that God has for you because you’re not ready.

God knows that you’ve been through a lot he was there with you. Only the Lord knows how you’re feeling because it’s a pertinent piece in the puzzle of the story of your life. That trial was set in place to propel you forward, but for some reason you allowed it to be a setback, and God says, that it’s time for a change. God has invested so much love into you that your poisonous attitude defeats the purpose of the sacrifice made at Calvary’s cross. The sad part about this is that this information is nothing new to you. You've known about the issue for some time, but when you’re angry, when you feel disrespected, when you feel betrayed, none of the above matters because its all about you, and how you feel. Meanwhile, there are people without a place to lay their heads at night, there are children who are raising themselves and their siblings because of unfortunate circumstances, there are people in this world missing limbs that you take for granted every day. There are individuals who are unable to talk, who wish they could share their words with the world aloud, there are so many reason to be grateful, but you walk around as if someone owes you something, as if you really know what it means to have a hard knock life, and enough is enough.

Let us bow:

Heavenly Father,

We apologize for our hard heartedness, for putting ourselves before others, and for being ungrateful. Help us to do better, help us to treat others better. Teach us to love others as you have loved us. Allow us not to be consumed with ourselves. Lord, don’t allow us to walk around this world being someone that you’ve not ordained us to be. Guide our footsteps that we might be comfortable in the shoes that we are in, thanking you for even our most reoccurring blessings. Blessings such as life, breath, joy, a conscious mind, the activity of our limbs, grace, and mercy. Instruct us, that we might represent you better, so that people might look at us a see you, because we know that we are nothing without you. We bless you Lord, and we thank you for all that you’ve done in the mighty and matchless name of the Christ we pray, Amen

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