2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
It's literally crunch time and the clock of the semester is winding down. You came to college this semester with high hopes, you just knew that your 4.0 GPA was on the way. You were diligent, consistent, on time to class, sitting on the front row during the first few weeks, but somewhere along the way you lost heart and hope. In the text above we find that Paul identifies with the struggle, and know how real it can get when you've been working hard for something that still seems as if it's galaxies away. At some point you got so discouraged that you laid down your persistence for the parties, determination for the drugs and sex, denied the will of your faith inside of you, and threw in the towel. For some, you've been faithful the entire time, but something about the information has not clicked. There's been such a disconnect that you're wondering whether or not it is even worth your time, energy, and money. You've been to the doctor so many times this semester, because you had no idea that stress could play such a near detrimental roll in your life. You've given your all, and all you've received in return is parents who say, "I'm praying for you," and test grades lower than ever before. So here you are at the end of what is now the fall semester, curious as to whether or not God brought here to humble you and send you back home a college drop out with a lot of debt. You're wondering whether or not this semester's downturn is a result of something that you've done, but in reality this is a situation in which you are the ball in the pinball machine. The more life obstacles seem to pull you back, the more energy you will have to spring you forward. The more clear the path to your success will become.
Paul says that, "16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day". And basically let's us know that although sometimes it may seem as if our hard work is withering away, the one thing we should not do is lose hope, because the strength that we need to carry on is refreshed day by day, every day. When we wake up to new mercies and new grace, we also wake up to new strength.
"17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." The difficulties you face are not a permanent fate, but a temporary place while God is fine tuning the destination of your success. The enteral glory that outweighs them all is without question the end result, your ultimate goal, the reason why you're even here. To make your mom proud, to bring honor to your grandmother who gives her last every month to help you make payments on your tuition, to make your favorite high school teacher proud, to change the face of medicine, to take part in ground breaking research so that one day a cure to cancer is found. To over come those who said that you never amount to anything, to go a little further than your parents were able to go, to be able to help your mom finally purchase a house, to use numbers to save lives, to be one less corrupt politician, to be one more caring teacher, to inspire someone, to make a difference. Your moral compass is not off, this is not about punishment, but this is all about the work of The Lord being done on the inside of you.
And so we find ourselves in a tight space, what to do when the issue is not you? "18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." According to scripture in verse 18 it is in our best interest to see things beyond right now that we might take comfort in what it is that's up ahead. God is going to work out every kink this semester, but until everything is revealed, it's our job to have faith by keeping our eyes on the real reason why we're here. To turn the tassel, shake an important hand, and receive a conferred degree with the full privileges that come with the discipline of going to school and conquering such a mile stone. The journey is not behind you because you've already been in the past, the goal is up ahead. The goal is for your future the goal is that you might live a life where you can be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, and to lend and not borrow that is your reward. Late nights are only setting up for multimillion dollar early morning meetings. Forever long research assignments are in place to prepare you to be able to formulate million dollar contract agreements. The college run around is practice for the sanctified sprint that will take place on the day that your name is called to receive what you've worked so hard for. Don't quit! Open your textbook back up, give that research paper a second look, study till you fall asleep, but whatever do; don't give in to a spirit of defeat, be encouraged, trust God, and know that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.
Let us bow:
Grant us the things that we may need in this season to be successful students that we might reflect your love, your peace, your understanding, and your faithfulness. Uplift our spirits and allow your light to shine through in these the final days of this semester. We know that any set backs were preparation for this final exam comeback. Bless us and keep us for it is in the name of the Christ we pray, Amen!
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