Monday, January 27, 2014

Red Handed

Romans 7:21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord

Temptation is literally everywhere around me. Just when I thought that I had control of my issue and just when I thought that things were good, life would take its toll, and I would instantaneously be back at square one. I make it my business to surround myself with positive people hoping that my character will yield to the true desires of my heart (which is to please God), but every now and then something from my past will come forth to remind me of my struggle, and as hard as I try to do the right thing, my flesh jumps at the opportunity to do wrong. I consistently tell myself that this will be the last time, it won't happen again. I'll know what not to do next time; what environments to avoid. But the truth is, right now, I'm a mess. It literally feels as if something comes over me that makes me forget my purpose and why those things corrupt my character. It makes me forget that even when others can't see me, God is watching, and so I must be honest, take responsibility, and actively work to do better and be better.

Sin, displeases God and dishonors the ransom that Christ Jesus paid when he died on Calvary's cross. Sin leads to division, dysfunction, confusion, manipulation, unhappiness, a lack of peace, and more sin. Sin is personal, because it is an individual conscious decision to do what is wrong. Every now and then sin will have you feeling good, but only for a little while. Eventually it will dig you into a hole so deep that you'll have to ask yourself whether or not it was worth the price you had to pay. You'll have to calculate whether or not it was worthy of a broken home, unhappiness, life long medical obligations, financial difficulties, heartbreak, instability, disease, and a host of other problems and issues. Sin is what separates us from God.

Fortunately, God is merciful, gracious, and kind in fact scripture tells us in 1 John 1:9 that,"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive." God loves us in spite of us, and extends to us multiple  blessings regardless of the fact that we are undeserving. But wait, if God loves us enough to forgive us, why can't we love ourselves enough to do better? Like depression, getting shot by a gun, or heartbreak; sin hurts. And although you may not feel it now, you'll feel it later. Your supernatural wellbeing hangs in the balance when you choose to sin.

The Apostle Paul was no stranger to sin and temptation. In the 7th chapter of Romans Paul tells us that sin is deceiving. Paul then goes on to let us know that although we were bound because of sin, after Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection, we now fall subject under the new law. Paul illustrates for us that even when it seems like there is no hope internally, deliverance is available through the blood of Christ. The problem with sin and temptation is the fact that although you individually decided to partake, you're not the only one affected. Your family is now in limbo because you've become someone else, those who looked to you as an example and mentor are now disappointed, and your leadership is now compromised by your inability to make sound decisions.

We were designed to give God glory. Worship is not just what we do on Sunday, it's how we live. And so when we do bad things and give in to temptation, we fail to give God the Glory he's due. Understand that light and darkness are unable to dwell in the same place, and so when it comes to salvation and sin there is no in between dwelling space. Most people who have become close friends with temptation only stop when they're caught red handed. Temptation begins with our thoughts and eventually works its ways into our deeds and actions. That's why Philippians 2:5 tells us to, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus..." If we can control what we think and what we allow our minds to dwell on then we will be able to force our flesh to fall subject to the spirit. We must follow up the renewal of our minds with consistent prayer and diligence. When we loosen our rains on temptation, sin creeps up and attempts to take over yet again. Be encouraged, know that God will always have your back, and that he's designed you to succeed.

Let us bow:
Heavenly Father,

We ask that you have your way in our lives that you might get the Glory at all times. Every now and then we begin to feel as if our circumstances are greater than your ability to help us, but keep us that we might learn better and truly come to know the beauty of your salvation, grace, and mercy. Lord guide us in the way of your righteousness that we might be able to be offer up an authentic offering of praise. Grant us the courage to step out on faith and trust you that we might be able to improve upon those things that are not pleasing in your site. Thank you God for you love, power, and protection even now in the midst of what it is that we're going through. We love you and we honor you for you're worthy of all of the praise, glory, and honor in the mighty name of the Christ we pray, Amen!

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