I never understood how a person could go to work from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, every day and still come out financially with just enough to get by. "The struggle", gets old real quick. There's simply never enough. Never enough to eat, never enough gas to put in the car, never enough warm clothes in the winter, and never enough to keep the lights on. I work too hard to never have enough of anything. I don't even have enough to make ends meet. I'm tired of trying. I do my best to never get sick because I can't even afford to see a doctor. I'm doing my best to stay in the word of God, but my faith is hanging by a thread. Right now, spirituality and mercy are not at the top of my priority list. I need tangible things, blessings that I can see. I'm looking for God to bless me with tuition money, personal expenses, gas money, new clothes, food to fill the fridge, a husband, a paying internship, graduate school acceptance, new friends, a new car, an all expenses paid trip, or better yet I'll take a blessing in the form of a break. Just a moment to get myself together because life around me is falling apart. Yet time is consistently moving forward, and I feel like I'll never be able to catch up.
Are we living to fulfill our purpose or are we living just to get by? We spend plenty of time inhaling and exhaling, we spend plenty of time occupying a space, but how much time do we spend on God's agenda? Apart of the problem is that we're going through the motions of life, with no intent to give God glory. With no intent to recognize God as anything other than our escape clause. We don't want to take God at his word, we don't want to exercise the faith that we know it takes to make it through the situations of life because all we want from God is the benefits without the persecution. We don't want to separate ourselves from the ways of the world, we don't want to turn the turn up down, and we don't want to stand up for God in places where it's not a popular trend. We don't want to be faithful to God's call upon our lives. Instead we want to pimp our gifts for compliments and confidence pills that we might make ourselves look fabulous. We shy away from church when we're struggling because we don't want people to know that we're not perfect. And we can't make ends meet because we invest more into our appearance than we do financial responsibility. God is a God of order and the function of our mind right now is out of order. We want God to bless us with an abundance that we won't be able to handle because we've not shown God that we're able to be diligent stewards of the few things that he's already given us.
Blessings are not designed for us to be flashy and extravagant, but they are in place to encourage us to trust God. Knowing that he will make away in due season and due time. There is an abundance in Christ Jesus, for he has the power to meet you at your need, and cure you of ever needing or wanting anything ever again. Scripture tells us, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33). You've got to build a relationship with God first, by accepting him as your personal savior before you can ask God for the other things that you believe that you need.
Many of us are stuck in a cycle of struggle because we stopped believing that it would happen. We tried once, never to try again, prayed once never to pray again. We allowed ourselves to dim the light inside of us because we looked at the magnitude of the lights of others and believed that we weren't qualified enough to place our bold request at the feet of God. The beauty of faith is that it's an inexpensive leap that tends to yield fulfillment, breakthroughs, and triumph. Faith is the difference between financial clearance and becoming a college drop out. Faith is the difference between completion and emptiness. Faith is the difference between bondage and deliverance for scripture tells us that,"all things are possible if you only believe"(Mark 9:23).
Let us bow:
Heavenly Father,
Teach us to seek you first, that we might come to know you and worship because of who you are. Help us to realize that because you are God alone, you're capable of anything, but failure. Help us to understand that only you can meet our need and provide. Only you can offer eternal life, so grant us the courage to forever thirst after you and you alone. We love you Lord and we honor you, and so we ask that you have your way in our lives always. Bless us and keep us in your son's name we pray,
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