Monday, May 6, 2019

What's next sis?

Therefore, to one who knows the [a]right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”- James 4:17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Facebook live, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat didn’t make it hard to find her. And I will be the first to tell you that she is a beautiful sister who seems to have an amazing support system. During a phone conversation, she shared with me that she met a man who pursued her fervently. She said that he told her that he was divorced and that his wife (you’ll catch that on the way home) was dying of heart complications. She said, he said, he said, she said, he did, she said, he did, she participated, they said, she said, she said, she said, he said, he did, and what they did, I now know. I now wrestle with, I now take the broken pieces of my heart to the altar and I pray for them as I pray for myself because a covenant with God is a covenant with God and those who endorse its severance must too stand before the Father. 

Sometimes the rumors are often worse than the reality and the pain of a broken heart. Such lies result in irrational, quick, and illogical actions that equate to more pain, more suffering, more shame, and even more betrayal. Who wants to share with the world that their husband and spiritual leader had an affair outside of the marriage? Who wants to admit that that same husband orchestrated phone calls from his mistress to his wife to really cement the reality that the end of what could have been a beautiful story has come? Who wants to acknowledge that something that originally began as a dream became a nightmare, and who wants to take the blame? Who actually wants to say that something that I said, didn’t say, did, didn’t do led to a series of events, that led me here to the cross road of reconciliation and retaliation? Well sis, today I’ll start, and I’ll begin with this. Even in this, God’s grace is sufficient. 

No matter how I look at this pitiful situation I see God’s grace. I see how God allowed me to accept the opportunity of a lifetime and allowed me to link up with one of the greatest fellowship of believers on the planet. I see where God has given me the space to sing with all my might to him in worship day in and day out because he’s God and he’s Good. I see how God removed me from a situation that took more from me than it ever gave, and God allowed me to maintain in a safe place amongst those who love me the most. God gave me a family full of wise individuals who constantly share affirmations of positive love and healing for me because they know that it is one thing to lose your husband, but it cuts a little deeper when you lose both husband and spiritual leader. 

In the Epistle of James, the writer uses his pen to articulate the need for specific separations. He spells out the expectations of mature Christians as they walk with Jesus Christ and tells the reader to live out the conviction by which they say they believe. Poetically enough, in the 4thchapter of James the writer tells us how to deal with drama by encouraging us to dedicate ourselves to God and right around the 12th verse he tells us that we mess up, when we only consider ourselves. Selfish decisions lead to corruption. As believers we know that trying to please the flesh is a no go as one never quite feeds the flesh so instead, we should work to deny the things of the world and dedicate ourselves in action to the God of our salvation. 

However, not every person who claims the father knows him personally. And not every person who states that they are called by God, has actually been called to preach the gospel. You see, YouTube, Facebook live, and various commentaries have made it so much easier for individuals who show no sign of the call in their daily life to preach impeccably stolen and plagiarized work without the inspiration of the spirit of God. Years and years of practice and eloquence can at times substitute for discipline and the actual time it takes to dive into the word of God for fresh revelation. For a life of worship is one that pleases God, but a life full of deceit and using sex to bring people into the fold, is an abuse of power and it is absolutely wrong. 

To live a life where you stand behind the sacred desk to preach the Gospel on Sunday, but alternate women Monday through Friday, yet you’re a married man is not a reflection of Jesus the Christ. To mislead people through messenger and try to use your position in church to take advantage of them sexually is wrong. To threaten suicide every time one of the said women decide that they no longer want to play games with you is manipulative and very far from a reflection of God’s command that we be both salt and light in this world. Who will stand up against the wolves of this world to say you have no place here? Souls hang in the balance and you are hindering the sons and daughters of God from being able to see God because you refuse to control your flesh. 

Theologist Candice Benbow says, “it’s about the belief that “godly” men can do whatever they want and suffer very few consequences. It’s about an ideology that suggests the closer a man’s ministry is aligned with David (not Jesus), the more anointed and impactful it will be.”

Today, I stand as a human being still processing the fact that I am one of many. One of many sisters who loved a man who is also a spiritual leader, who lied, cheated, and lied some more. I stand as a sister who still believes that God’s grace is still sufficient for him too. I stand as a sister who acted out of frustration and disappointment as she learned of new life as a result of poor choices, but as a sister who believes that in all things, God has a plan. 

Therefore, I also stand to wish my sister (the other sister) a beautiful life and a new beginning. I wish her well in this new phase of life and her transition into what could potentially be the title of first lady in the fellowship of the Lord’s church. I pray that she is a light for other young women and that she transparently shares with them that God can heal any wound, save any soul, and change any life. I pray that she remembers all of the exciting qualities that make her special and that she becomes a force in the faith community advocating for the discarded sisters of the fellowship. The ones who are victims of abuse, manipulation, the sisters who are ostracized because of the call of God upon their life, the sisters who are homeless, the sisters who will walk away from prostitution after hearing the word of the Lord, the sisters who are single mothers, the sisters who are survivors of rape, cancer, and all other illnesses because we serve a God who can do anything. 

I’ve learned more in three weeks, than I’d ever imagine, but above all else I’ve learned how to depend on Jesus even more, by calling a spade a spade and standing flat footed against the powers of darkness. Satan gets no victory here as today is a new opportunity to love both in and on purpose. So many women facing similar situations have asked the question, what now sis? I’m so glad they asked because today, I get to decide how I let the actions of others impact my life. Today, I choose to move forward sharing this glimpse of hope with all of you hoping that you will learn from this and move forward in God’s grace. 

1.    No matter what listen to the voice of God and follow his instructions
2.    Count your blessings
3.    Don’t be afraid to tell your truth and call demons what they are: Demons 
4.    Be Blessed in Jesus, don’t ever let anyone’s actions toward you convince you that God doesn’t love you (John 3:16)

Live your life sis, don’t turn back. Don’t turn back!

Let us pray:

Well Lord,

  Here I am a servant of yours and I feel that my heart is broken into a range of what might be estimated to average around a million pieces. Here I am oh Lord, open, honest, transparent, and weary asking that you create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. I ask oh Lord that you take the things in me out that are not like you oh God and that you restore the joy of my salvation, like only you can. I ask that you bless him, her, and everyone else as we’ve all got faults that need your touch. Forgive us oh God, for not always being shining examples of your truth and your light. Help us oh Lord to be better. For every brother and sister in need of reconciliation oh God I ask that you grant it. For every brother and sister seeking peace I ask that you grant it. For every person still overcoming the harsh reality of pain, suffering, and loss of any kind God I ask that you wrap your loving arms around them and heal them in Jesus name. If there is someone that has walked away from you oh God because of a bad experience in a relationship oh God I ask that you restore them. If there is someone with hatred in their heart for another as a result of broken promises Oh God, I ask that you mend their heart and open them up to forgive others as you forgive us. Work on me Lord, that I might be all that you desire me to be and please oh God don’t let my life and my experiences be in vain. For it’s in the Mighty, Marvelous, and Matchless name, of Jesus the Christ I pray, Amen.  


Anonymous said...

Met Pastor Word at a conference called AOP in Atlanta and he didn't mention he had a wife until another Pastor stepped in and said that he was married to a friend of his. He is definitely a predator. Sorry girl, if you're STD free you dodged a bullet.

Tiffany said...

I been tryna comment on this blog for 3 days since my homegirl sent me the link to this blog. This shit is sad, that is why people like me don't even go to pastors for council. Its sad how people will use their positions to try to take advantage of women. Everybody in Monroe know wassup with that fake ass man they call a Pastor and its crazy that he be all around town in and out of his mistress house in that Nissan knowing he married. If I was his mama I would be embarrassed as fuck cause this shit makes no sense.

Delaney said...

I was at a revival where Pastor Word was there preaching and he had this girl with him and I knew something was off and not right. Then this morning I got a message about this. Wheew God reveals all things in his time. You are a beautiful writer and I hope that that girl he had with him sees this cause she should be ashamed of herself. Married men are off limits. I saw on facebook that he still the pastor so I guess the church don't care. Shame of them.

Anonymous said...

This nigga was just in my inbox lol now look at him being exposed with 10,000 people watching

Ashley said...

He ain't even been in Monroe long and this going on. God ain't pleased, don't worry Ms. everything he put you through, watch it come back to him. You can bet that God saw him do it all and he will be held responsible. I'm praying for your strength because I know without question that there is more than one young lady and possibly a few men too. But God is going to bring it all out just watch.

Anonymous said...

S/O to you for taking a stand against men like him.

Anonymous said...

Annanias sleeps with anything with legs. Anything walking. I heard he was a preacher I said good he's changed his ways. I heard he was married I said even better. Read this and said same old same old. Sad but not shocked. He keeping the same energy he had at Oxford that's why I didn't fool with him then and I don't fool with him now. Once a liar always a liar to me he'll never be anything more. The new girl gone find out too wife, just wait.

Anonymous said...

Don't nobody cheat more than a married man, I see everybody blaming everybody but him. He responsible. God ain't gone fix it cause this guy don't feel like his actions are a problem. Somebody said he still a pastor. That would never happen at my church. Divorce him and move on.

Anonymous said...

I know what you're going through, I have been there done that. Just know that it gets better and that you will come out stronger because of this.

Yvonne said...

Young lady you are strong. Keep your head up. I read this and shed tears for and with you. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I hope that your community will continue to support you as you said they have. God bless you.

Nae said...

This was deep cuz, proud of you.

Anonymous said...

My hang up about it is this. How can you preach and tell people what God said and you don't seem to be listening? I don't claim to know more than others about Jesus, but I know that this is not the kind of behavior Jesus would promote. People kill me justifying mess like this. It's wrong and First Lady (cause you handled this like a lady) I commend you sistah I would've been raising Hell wherever he is.

Pastor Miller said...

I challenge every single person who read this blog to step out of their carnal mind and view this for what it really is...war. The Bible says that we should be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. This all speaks to a lack of self control. We have to pray for this young man that he gets right with God before it is too late. God holds the preacher to a higher standard and I warn my MITs to take it serious. You can't fool God. I pray for your family and I pray for your heart. Rest assure that while you're trying to figure it all out, GOD has already worked it out.

Kai said...

I met a man who was pastoring a church in Georgia who told me that he wasn't involved with anyone. Next thing I know he popped up on facebook married. We were involved with each other and he kept leading me on and his new wife knows nothing about me and I just lived it all over again reading this post. This sort of thing happens all the time, but these men are untouchable, nobody cares about us. When I tried to share this on my facebook page and share my experience someone reported it. Don't quit LP.

Anonymous said...

This is a good article.

Carry said...

“God’s got grace for him too!” I don’t know if you’ve forgiven or not but that part freed me. My husband of 20 years cheated with a friend of mine and even though I tried to forgive them both I am having a hard time moving past it. Thank you for sharing your story, many people could stand to learn a lot from you.

Anonymous said...

Family friend just stopping by to say you are loved by many. I see you and I applaud your transparency. Many of us dream of this type of boldness.

A Fellow First Lady tired of this church said...

My husband is a pastor and his behavior is the same way. We live out in California and we moved here where I am far from my family and friends. I don’t have a career or anything outside of my marriage. I have no place to go, I gave it all up for the man I love, but idk who this man is anymore. Pray for me because I am where you’ve been and I just ask God to give me strength.

Anonymous said...

I followed blog when you were at HU and I am just really sorry. This is enough to send anybody off the deep end. Lifting you up in prayer from VA Beach, VA ��

Anonymous said...

You know its the ones that always talk a good game that turn around and do this. Jesus keep me near the cross. God is still revealing the character of man. This should be a best selling book.

Ashley said...

My heart broke reading this. So many men have done this and people sit on the sidelines like its ok.

Anonymous said...

I know you’re telling the truth because he said the same of himself just last week at a conference in Houston, TX. Of course he offered me a Praise & Worship job at his church, of course he tried to have sex with me. I am not a professional psychologist but I did tell him he needs to get help. He’s a good liar I’ll give him that.

Taylor said...

You’re strong and I say that because I can tell you only shared a little bit. We wouldn’t be able to handle it all. I personally will not step foot into Zion Traveler because I can not support anyone who manipulates women into coming to his church. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us. It probably wasn’t easy, but thank you anyway.

Anonymous said...

You shared an intimate part of your life. Your Transparency and vulnerability will set some other woman free. I must admit This story sounds eerily familiar to what’s going on in Atlanta, Georgia with a mega church Pastor. How can I talk with you offline?

Anonymous said...

Didn’t a Pastor in Memphis just get killed for something like this? So sorry you had to endure this! But, thank God for getting you out!!

Ricca said...

Sis, lookahere! I’m not sorry, I’m not shamed, I’m not even mourning what was the living dead! I am soooo thankful that you took YOUR throne and slayed the dragon that temporarily possessed YOUR kingdom!!! My favorite part is not that you praised your way through it but that you Proverbs 18:21 life, blessings and good fortunes to THEM. That’ll preach! Coming from a woman who has brought so much pain and agony to my husband as the wrong response to insecurities and unmet self made expectations, I appreciate your transparency and honesty. Your Job experience aids those souls hanging in the balance, given up on Church or religion all together. Your shared that it’s ok to get mad. That’s flesh. Christ within the trinity was our example of how flesh reacts and should respond. Get angry, just don’t stay there. Don’t dwell in that dark space. It is and never about Church or religion, it is and always will be about the God that pierces through those dark and uncertain moments like that of a thorn through flesh. There’s a little bloodshed but without Blemish! God reveals enough to show us what we can bare and HE values relationship and not the vessel (building, beast nor man). So I thank God for you and your SOOOOOOO SWEEEEETTT ministry. You will forever have support and prayers from me my 💙. Keep doing your kingdom business.

Diamund said...

May God bless you my sister. You are one in a million. Yes situations and things happen to us all but you showed the true meaning of Matthew 5:43-47 and a teacher of Christ. To God be the glory. Thank you!

Rafael Palacio said...

I was nice reading your thoughts, feelings, and faith in your writing. You’re faith in Christ Jesus will keep you going forward while healing your broken heart with every step. Even when you feel you cannot go forward, you will be abiding in the shadow of The Almighty, waiting, that your strength will renew. I too am a man of God that committed adultery in 2004, breaking my covenant with God and leaving my wife of two years heartbroken. I found a female on the Internet in another state. I flew out there with sin on my mind and sin was fully conceived. I came back and told my wife and left her for a woman I didn’t even know. As time went by I thought I was in love with this woman but realized after the damage was done that it was pure lust from the depth of hell. There’s no excuse for my actions especially being a man of God. One thing you have to remember in your healing process is that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. I picked up a lust spirit from the time I was a very young boy - at least 10 years of age. I got saved at 23 years of age, married to a woman of God at 25 years of age. I never dealt with that lust spirit accordingly although I was abstaining from fornication before marriage. After marriage I was drawn away by my own lust and enticed. The enemy knew exactly when and how to strike and because my mind wasn’t stayed on Jesus Christ, it was easy to sin against Him and her. Come to find out, the female I left my wife for was also married and a great liar. I got what I gave and then some. I went back into sin for a decade plus, fulfilling the lust of my flesh. Eventually I’d get back in church and end up falling away again because I wasn’t committed. That was a pattern until this year until I decided to stop fornicating and do what The Lord wants me to do instead of “doing me.” Since I left my wife I’ve been in relationships after relationship, all unsuccessful. My ex wife no longer speaks to me and I don’t blame her.
Your situation didn’t take God by surprise. You’re going to feel betrayed at times, anger at times, hatred at times, lonely at times, unforgiving at times and many more emotions and The Lord understands. Always remember Life Hurts God Heals.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God be honor and glory forever and ever. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

A understand exactly where you are and have visited this place too often. This brave blog couldn’t have come at a better time, I am also a pastors wife out of California. I am also a victim of a serial cheater. Many of our episodes have been public and the church gives him a slap on the wrist and crucify me for being transparent. Many will not appreciate what you have done Howe it’s your truth. ITS OUR TRUTH!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for displaying to the world the proper way to be hurt and remain hopeful. This is just the beginning of your breakthrough. I speak Supernatural peace, love, healing, and restoration. Let God lead you to the new place. We all are rooting for you and just as you lifted them up......grace to all!

Anonymous said...

I thank you for being honest. The Truth sets the captives free. The Lord is cleaning house by exposing sins. He is giving all of us the opportunity to get our lives in order. You are very strong and understand that God is no respect of persons. We must pray for those who intentionally or unintentionally hurt us. I pray that your spirit,soul,and body be made whole in Jesus name. Amen!

James said...

I remember the first time I heard him at a revival...and you supporting him as a wife with ur gift of music as well....its sad because I truly thought he was are so remarkably beautiful and have the heart of an angel..I'm glad you are free from such a deceitful situation.

Anonymous said...

Between the mistress speaking out and she already got two kids Im glad you wrote this to show her and him how to handle the public with grace. I’m glad you spoke out cause he was probably telling everybody the same lie. Now they all in the backroom somewhere trying to figure out how to spin the story. Well you can defend a lie period.

eyes and ears said...

I love a strong God-fearing woman. There is something about their strength and tenacity that sets the example for everyone, including (especially) men! However I do not like when people group all individuals together because of the action of rogues in the same profession. I've seen countless stories on the news of predatory doctors yet I have never heard a woman say, See, that's why I don't go to gynecologists. I have heard some say they prefer female doctors but you get the gist of my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This man is really sick, he tweeting about being famous and clearly he has bigger problems. Keep going don’t get discouraged. Nothing about his behavior is cute or entertaining. I am sad that I ever sat under his leadership.

Unknown said...

Love You Cuh. I AM HERE FOR YOU.
My heart aches for the disappointment i know you felt, However my heart smiles because fire birth diamonds, Pain brings triumph....You will Rise like a Phoenix and all pain will become yet another building block of your Concrete foundation to your Destiny of Greatness.

Oh and umm when you ready to get gully call me...ill bring the Thugs out !!!

Anonymous said...

Im from Pontotoc and i’m disgusted by his action and his family’s behavior. I know they think this is cute. That the enemy is attacking him and support him but the crazy thing is he is an enemy of God if he’s in the way of people seeing Jesus. He is like this because his family and church family support this behavior.

Kyra said...

This moved me to tears. I too have experienced this and there are no words. The way that people try to place blame every where but where it should be. The fact that there are no real spaces for us to discuss this pain and hurt and shame (in my case), I am just sad. I have children they depend on me. I have loved ones and it seemed to me like everybody sat on the sidelines while my husband was doing his thing and then pretended to be shocked when I left. No one stood with me. And I didn't have the courage to be transparent and share my story. I stopped going to church, I stopped dealing with church people, I went into a depression and I gave up. This gave me hope, maybe I can attend your new church one day. Nobody wants to talk about how hearing certain church songs and certain phrases in sermons trigger old memories and send you into a deep depression because of the constant reminders of betrayal. How minister friends come out of the wood works with information you didn't ask for. How depressing it is to have see these people on special occasions and the expectation that you be the bigger person. I'm exhausted and I'm only 29 years old. You gave me hope girl, your convictions are true and I am going to read this until I get better because I'm tired of being depressed. I'm tired of feeling like this. If you have a retreat, conference, or meet up please count me in.

Wanda said...

I don’t have a dog in the race. I love God and I attend church regularly. I came to your blog to say that I think that every Preacher in the Monroe and West Monroe area who is with this man and endorses his behavior by remaining silent should be fired. Here’s why? I hear rumblings here and there in town and folks are only mad because you posted this blog. They were perfectly ok with you going through this but when the views hit a couple thousand now everybody wants to be mad not at his actions but at you for sharing the truth your truth your testimony. They can speak out about this sin and speak out about that sin, but then a wife takes a stand against an attack of the enemy on marriage and vulnerable women and folks mad? I am just floored and embarrassed of my home city today. You extended grace and all folks know is the reputation of a poor leader was exposed...IT NEEDED TO BE. God bless you young lady, God bless you.

Anonymous said...

My Sister you are correct and yes God’s grace is sufficient. I’ve prayed for you. You stood bold and with class against the enemy of God. One thing I know is that when others uphold people in their wrong they are held accountable. You prayed and spoke blessings over the other Sister and that shows your Godly character. I pray God’s blessings 100 fold for you and double for your trouble. God will honor your sincerity. As the Household of Faith, we are supposed to stand bold against the enemy and call it what it is...sin!!! I pray he gets his heart right before God and I hope he realizes anytime someone is LEAD down the wrong road they have blood on their hands. God knows all and He sees all and He will repay. God bless you my beautiful Sister and continue to allow God to use you 💗💗💗

Tina Y. said...

Ditto to the comment about the Monroe Pastors and preachers, I would go so far as to add the Pastors and Preachers of Northeast Mississippi, the Spirit of Timothy Pastors, the Academy of Preachers and all others who stand with him as well. This behavior is not acceptable and for them to sit on the sidelines tagging each other in the comment section like little women to me is more telling than anything. This has gone on for too long with no accountability.

Ptownvet said...

You should stick to the facts and not make it about religion or God. Mental health, deception and attempting to move forward with possible hesitation of another relationship is the REAL ISSUE.

Amari said...

Pontotoc Vet you might want to sit this one out. Annanias Word is a user. He told several women he used his wife for health insurance and to get a larger church i’m sure you’ve heard the voice memos too. He has been quoted stating he and his wife has been separated for years. I was there in Minneapolis, MN where he attempted to have a threesome with Taquai and some other girl and folks called him on his bluff. He was also visibly drunk at Late Night where he was pulled to the side by several leaders. He takes advice from people like TJ and then folks wanna trip on the wife? Huh? The man told Sophea Russell (since nobody wanna call names) that he wasn't married at all at the same time he was trying to get with my friend who already knew he was married. Why? Cause some of us know him personally and can vouch that Mrs.
Word only touched the surface on this specific pastor. There are sex tapes circulating of this man, pictures, screenshots of him, voice recordings, direct messages, etc. Don’t be mad cause sis decided to take the high road. I would gladly drop a few screenshots here if need be. Let sis talk about Jesus be glad that thats all she’s posted. I sent her stuff personally for cases like this. Back off.’

Tina Y. said...

Ptownvet Ya’ll claiming that sis tryna have a relationship with somebody else, ok where is the evidence? Pastor Word bragged that he told his church Zion Traveler/Tabernacle or whatever the real name is about his relationship outside of his marriage and they voted to keep him. He bragged about being famous (on twitter) after members of his new church reached out to NBC folks and the whole thing ended up being outed on LRL Radio show news:
and Facebook page:
The switch up is real, ya’ll have a family full of broken and second marriages (his words). Ya’ll bail him out of everything (his words). And he wish his wife were dead (his words). Are you saying that ya’ll stand behind that?
Larry Reid said allegedly, i’m saying it ain’t allegedly, issa fact. Annanias Word from his own mouth said that it is so. He confessed to the church that it is so. He also told my friend that he is like this because he was molested by a family member as a child. He also said that he doesn’t believe in getting counseling so all that stuff you tried to project on to There’s a body of evidence dating back to his high school years that say....he’s a liar, he’s a predator (the girl from Oxford High hinted to that). He himself has threatened suicide when girl threaten to leave him and one girl shared evidence of that with the wife to her email and I know cause I encouraged her to tell the truth after she told snapchat her side of the story. Hopefully, I can convince Leticha to just put all the voice memos, pictures, and videos out there so the world can really know what’s good. I bet if Pastor Word keep lying and ya'll keep coming for her she will.

Pat said...

Ptownvet, you all need to stop enabling this foolishness. Instead of worrying that, Leticha has called him out on his wrongdoings; put all your energy in getting this young man some serious help. Anyone that can brag about how he/she has damage someone life and that his intention to enter into a covenant agreement with Leticha and God were merely out greed, needs more than serious help. This young man needs total healing. He is standing in a pulpit contaminating people with his bleeding issues. Especially our youngsters who will now believe that it is ok to live a life contrary to what the word of God instructs. Ptownvet, I see that you must have already envision yourself in Mr. Word’s position: Now I challenge you to put yourself in Leticha position. If you have a heart, I promise you-you will see things a little different. I see that you know that this fellow is in a religion; reading Leticha’s post, she talks about a relationship with God and that is where I pray Mr. Word is moving toward because without a relationship with God, he will continue this malicious cycle and continue believing that living this way is okay. It is sad that Mr. Word is playing his family and the church. When someone is truly sorry for turning away from God, you repent (turn away from your sins). Mr. Word is continuing to play games with the women. Please, you called it out as facts, so assist him in getting some help because life does not look promising for him; especially wishing death on God’s property.

Nisha.L said...

Amen! I’m a pretty open minded person but I never new a total different story can give the same pains as mines. Thank you for sharing and praying. Thank you for allowing God to use you and what you have overcome to help those whose coming over that mountain!