Monday, June 24, 2013

Who Died and Made you Jesus?

It's very easy to remain humble when there are only two members at bible study, and you counted yourself as one of the attending members. In fact, humility is not a condition of question when only three members show up to the youth revival. Where does that humility go sometimes, when ministry leaders feel as if they have arrived? When worship is packed, and there are plenty of Amens to go around. When there's a line of young people volunteering to be your armour bearer, its easy to begin to take it to the head. A little notoriety here and there with the luxury of traveling the country telling your testimony, can be enough to make anyone feel like a true "Big-shot". Then there is the case of the local know-it-alls who aren't necessarily in any official leadership position, but find themselves in the position of the church police. In many cases it could be the off-spring of a religious leader or official within the church, or just someone well connected, but wait when did church become more about politics than praise? All of which forces us to stop and pose the question, who died and made you Jesus?
The old school,"do as I say, and not as I do" has no place in a place where youth and minstry are involved. Youth ministry is for developing the minds and hearts of youth who desire to give God they're best praise, but that desire can be hendered by leaders who spend time showing favoritism to a select few. One of the many admirable things about Jesus the Christ was the fact that he asked nothing of the disciples that he himself would not be willing to do. This made it all the more appropriate for Christ to tell Peter to "feed his sheep" (John 21:16-17), simply because he had already showed the disciples what to do, and how to do it. As leaders it is our job to come to the House of God with a grateful heart, and a servant spirit. For some leaders things would be that much better if we first learned how to respectfully address others. For others a positive attitude, and patience wouldn't hurt, and could possibly show forth great results. Why can't we all just come together and have a good time in The Lord? I do understand that structure within the body is vital when trying to accomplish ministry goals, and that leaders are put in place to help guide youth in the right direction; but let's stand on the word of God in its totality. Let's not abuse and misuse scripture to the point where the word of God becomes our cannon ball to all who challenge us in our selfish ways.

Plain and Simple

Let's do Better, as leaders it is our job to be an example to those that God has placed within our ministry at this appointed time. God has given us the position at hand because he has equipped us with a characteristic that he seeks to embed in the hearts of the young people in the ministry. If people are afraid of you they may not tell you to your face, they may not gossip at all, but I guarantee you attendance may vary, and you may soon find yourself turning to gimmicks and schemes in an attempt to get young people to buy into Christ.
So begin to ask yourself, am I a servant leader for Christ? Do I recognize God's hand in this ministry, and do I make myself available to the youth in the ministry? How often do I ask the questions that count? Questions like how have you been, is everything ok, and one of the most important statements to hear from a leader: Would you like to pray? The bible tells us to "be ye also ready" (Matthew 24:44), and in a society as such,  with things changing as they do, as fast as they do, for many the church and the ministries within are a safe haven. One that shields young people from the troubles of life, a place where youth feel free to worship, and led to share their problems with God and feel comfortable leaving them there. It is very important that the leader is on one accord with Christ and faithful to the word of Christ which calls all of us to be servants first. It is in the spirit of Love that we labour, knowing that our reward awaits us in heaven, and that if we are faithful unto God he will be faithful unto us. Always remember that The Lord ads to his church daily, but when you get confused and begin to treat God's church as one named after you, things begin to get a bit different. Be encouraged, and of good courage for God knows your heart, and is able to make all slanted paths straight, I am praying your strength and your patience as God is doing a new thing in ministry on the behalf of the youth ministry in your local community.

Let us bow

Lord, you've ordained us leaders and placed us in the way of a group of young people that we may show ourselves an example of your love and leadership. Some where along the way Lord you allowed blessings to run over, and an increase that no man could have ever been able to conceptionalize before now, and God we thank you for the increase. Lord somewhere along the way we may have forgotten about the fact that its not about us, but that its all about you. Somewhere along the lines we began to get full of the wonderful jobs and the you're so good at what you dos that we forgot to give you the credit, and for that Lord we are Godly sorry. Help us to realize that we are who we are only because of the grace and mercy that you have consistently provided for us throughout the years. Lord increase our faith that we may learn how to deal justly with our youth that it not seem as if we are talking down to them and belittling them. Lord help the young people in the ministry to realize that I am only hard on them because I can sense a wift of the greatness you have placed inside of them Lord. So use me Lord as you see fit. God I acknowledge and re-establish you as the head of this ministry, take complete control. And if Lord my issue is with the ministry leader and I am in fact the one wronged, give me the words to say that I might meet with my minstry leader respectfully, and that it all works together for your Glory and your honor. It's not about me Jesus, its not even about us Lord, but its all about you God, its all about your sacrifice, its all about your love for us, so help us to love one another in Jesus name I pray Amen.

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