Monday, May 26, 2014

Good Bye

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”
There's a house and you own it. Within your house you pay the bills, you buy the groceries, your name is on the deed and so you decide who can come and who can go, all because it's your house. You invite a few friends into town to come and fellowship with you in your new fully furnished abode and they gladly except the invite. Because of your hospitality, welcoming spirit, and generosity your guest become comfortable in your home, so much so that they began to get comfortable with their originally temporary living arrangement, and begin to wonder what it would be like if they were permanent guest in your home. Therefore they began to extend their stay in your home and although it seemed like a good idea initially, it turned out to do more harm than good. You had no idea that they wouldn't offer to help purchase groceries, wash clothes, clean up around the house, or contribute financially. You had no clue that they intended to live off of your success and ride your coat tail until they were no longer welcome.  Now your caught in a bind, all while mentally tossing the idea around about the best route to handle the situation because you bit off more than you could chew. Without question your friends have got to go, but how do you say good bye?

Ok so not many of us own homes at this point in life, but for symbolism sake let's make life your home. Life is your sacred place through which your reach others and encourage them to follow Christ. The life that you're living right now periodically invites others to come and be apart, to come an dwell in a variety of roles designed to motivate you to be the best person that you can be. Life is your humble abode as it is so expensive that it is priceless and so intricate that you're only able to live one. Those friends (for the sake of your success) are the people in your life right now who abuse you, mistreat you, lie on you, run your name through the mud, call you everything, but a child of God while simultaneously using you to get ahead. Those people who you set your personal needs aside for, the people that you go out of your way to impress; for them to still treat you bad, those people who you know don't care for you, yet you allow them to dwell in the living room of your life. Something has got to give, it's time for you to move forward in life, but first you must leave a few things and a few people behind.

It's rare that a homeowner carries old furniture into a new home. Simply because it takes away from the newness of new home. Today is the day that you leave some friends behind and in the past. You can't focus on your future because all they wanna talk about is the past. You can't move forward because they keep holding you back. But you own this house, this life God gave you was bestowed upon you for a reason. That you might live it to fullest. You can not move on to tomorrow's success if you refuse to relinquish yesterday's mess. You have within you the power of God, which is more than enough power to turn your situation right side up. Trust God, and let some people go. There are four seasons for a reason and not all flowers are made for every season. All to often we miss interpret the people placed in our lives. We trust people that we shouldn't, and mistreat those who love us dearly. We hold on to relationships that mean us no good. We compromise our faith for fifteen seconds of media exposure. We break bread with any and everybody and have sex with the first guy who tells us that we're beautiful all because we allowed our friends to stay a lot longer than they should have.

As children of the most high, no longer can we live our lives on other peoples terms. No longer can we afford to carry the burden of groups of people telling themselves that they can't do better for their own lives. God didn't call us to save anybody (that's his job), he called us to share the good news about how he's able to save and do anything, but fail. The time has come for a little spring cleaning, the time has come for a little life feather dusting that we might truly get our house in order. Not only should we know when others have over stayed their welcome, but sometimes we ourselves have over stayed our welcome in the lives of others.

Let us bow:

Heavenly Father,
Grant us the strength that we will need to tell those that you have not ordained to be in our lives, Good bye. Open the eyes of heart that we might be able to see things for what they really are. Touch us with a finger of love that we might understand that working outside of your will is unacceptable.Teach us to trust you that we might learn your ways and become one again with your word. Remove those in our lives who mean us no good, remove those in our lives who have over stayed their welcome, remove those in our lives who are not meant to be there so that we can continue to do your will. Bless those individuals that they too might grow in your grace, turn their lives around like only you can. Have you way Lord, for it is in the mighty and matchless name of the Christ we pray Amen!

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