Monday, May 19, 2014

Rain Rain Go Away

Then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.
Leviticus 26:4

It rained today. So much so, that just an umbrella would not do. It rained so hard that although a hat would help it wouldn't completely alleviate the burden of the weight of additional clothing. I needed a rain coat, scarf, rain boots, and gloves. If I wanted to make it out of this climatical catastrophe, I had to dress for the weather. Swim suits are cool, t-shirts are nice, sun dresses are beautiful, but none of that would have be able to accurately protect me from the threat of pneumonia, the common cold, sore throat, or anything else that could possibly result from the lack of preparation when experiencing such weather.

Right now, at this very second, a storm of life is raging in your life. Nothing seems to be coming together. You're hopes and dreams are slipping away, and if failure once wasn't enough, failure the second and third time have come around too. Hopeless is not an accurate word for what you're going through. The rain drops of a broken home are keeping you from trusting those that God has placed in your life. You're too proud to admit that you need help and too discouraged to get up and keep trying. The clouds of your situation are hindering your ability to see the possibility of a brighter day in your life. You weren't adequately prepared for the climatical catastrophe life sent your way; you don't have enough money to make ends meet, you lack the resources necessary to take the next steps in your career, every job you apply for requires a more advanced skill set than that of your own , you have goals, but your parents aren't supporting you and you feel as if you're alone. You have nothing you need and everything you don't.

Could it be that the storm is effecting you? Beating you up as such, causing such a ruckus, and turning your life upside down because you're improperly dressed? Could it be that instead of utilizing the umbrella of prayer,  the hat of faith, the rain coat of the peace, and the rain boots of the word of God as a foundation guiding your every move, you've turned to the swim suit of other peoples opinions, the shorts of negativity, the t-shirt of broken confidence, and the flip flops of uncertainty?

Here in Leviticus 26:4 we find God talking to the Children of Israel that he might clue them in on a few important things. The first thing we see is that God let's them know that a storm is coming in the form of rain, but it will come and go at a predestined place in time to come. Not only was God talking to the children of Israel, but he was talking to you as well to let you know that although there will be storms in your life to come, they can only come for a season letting you know that your problems and pain have an expiration date. We then see where God in the fourth verse tells the children of Israel that the land will yield increase. That lets us know that not only has the storm come to strengthen us personally, but the storm is also come to strengthen our property and increase its value. Then finally God tells the children of Israel that after the land yields increase the trees on the land will then yield fruit. And the same applies to each of us.

Life is full of storms designed to strengthen you and prepare you for the place that God is getting ready to take you, but you must do your part. You must study the word of God day in and day out, you must pray without ceasing regardless of the state of the climate in your life at the time. You must be faithful to God and you must trust and depend on him. It's not always about being able to see what's up the road or having all of the answers all of the time. God's got your back! He will never leave you or forsake you. You must simply remember to hold on to his hand, standing on his promise that regardless of the weather everything will be alright.

Let us bow:


You've allowed the rain to come into our lives that we might be changed and ready to experience your Glory in a new way  and for that we say thank you. We ask that you continue to bless us and strengthen us that we might have the courage to stand in the midst of the storm when others have fled to seek safety because we know that the most secure place is in your arms. Be with us as we do what you've called us to do that we might be diligent and consistent. Have your way in our homes, schools, communities, businesses, places of worship, and everywhere else.
Have your way that we might not hinder our witness by living lives that contradict the call that you've placed upon our lives. We love you, we praise you, and we give you all the glory and honor that is due your name. In the name of Christ we pray, Amen!

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